Follow Me to learn Wi-Fi Packet Capture using Wireshark

Troubleshooting WLAN/Wi-Fi Packets

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Follow Me to learn Wi-Fi Packet Capture using Wireshark

What You Will Learn!

  • Capturing Wi-Fi Traffic for Wireshark Analysis
  • Accomplishing Wi-Fi capture on Windows, MAC OSx, and Linux
  • Customizing Wireshark to maximize Wi-Fi troubleshooting
  • Troubleshooting Tips when Analyzing Wi-Fi Networks


Welcome to this Wi-Fi/WLAN packet sniffing with Wireshark course!

This course is a "follow me" design.  No slides.  Simply follow along, step by step, where you get to learn and do at the same time!

That said, follow me as I lead you, step-by-step, on a journey that reveals how to properly capture WLAN/Wi-Fi traffic on Windows, MAC OSX, or (Debian) Linux computers using Wireshark.  This task is not as easy as it appears, and most people do not understand that simply selecting the Wi-Fi interface in Wireshark and starting the capture is not actually sniffing ALL the wireless traffic. 

Try it.  Where are the Beacon Frames?  Where are the Request To Send/Clear To Send frames?  Where are the Associations/De-Associations?  They are all missing, because all you are seeing is the data frames.  Now this may be enough, but it is not enough to troubleshoot the wireless/Wi-Fi network.

This course will explain why capturing ALL the Wi-Fi/WLAN traffic (including the ones mentioned above) is actually more difficult (and in some cases almost impossible). 

The course will break down and explain  the challenge on various operating systems, as well as arm you with what you need to both capture, and start analyzing WLAN/Wi-Fi traffic.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of Wireshark in Wi-Fi environments and troubleshooting Wi-Fi in general.
  • Home Users, Corporate IT/Network folks
  • Service Provider Field Technicians



  • Wireshark






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