Winter Retreat - 2017

Your Kingdom of Heaven

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Winter Retreat - 2017

What You Will Learn!

  • Come into a direct and transformative connection with Christ consciousness.
  • Be supported by a powerful field of awakening
  • The transformative power of silence
  • What is Christ consciousness


"When you give to the needy,

do not let your left hand know

what your right hand is doing,

so that your giving may be in secret.

Then your Father, who sees what is

done in secret, will reward you”


Would you like to be touched by the light and enter the secrets and depths of Christ consciousness?

This silent retreat with Shai Tubali is a unique opportunity to come into a direct and transformative connection with Christ consciousness.

Unlike the eastern consciousness, Christ consciousness is focused on the heart. Through it you can experience how all is united in the heart and experience a direct merging with Christ.

Having guided countless retreats and seminars in the last 17 years in India, Israel and Germany, Shai Tubali skillfully uses the opportunity of this silent retreat to create a powerful field of awakening for the divine heart and self-transcendence. In ashram-like conditions, the energy field constantly grows in intensity and depth and will enable you to experience a real Christmas this year.

Shai Tubali, Ph.D., is an internationally-renowned author, speaker and innovator in the field of inner transformation and personal development. He has developed a unique holistic approach to helping others self-actualize and become the best versions of themselves possible, from physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual angles. Shai’s approach weaves together a tapestry of thought and tradition from psychology, philosophy, medicine, Yogic traditions, Eastern thought and practices and the most advanced scientific research. Shai was born in Israel and has lived in Berlin for a decade. He is a trained Yogi with 18 years of study in the field of Eastern thought and Yogic traditions. He is a multi-award-winning author of numerous best-selling books. Ever since he achieved a revelation at the age of 23, he has dedicated his life to helping others live deeper lives that reveal the hidden potential of their hearts, minds and bodies. He is completing his PhD in philosophy in the field of mysticism, self-transformation and Western philosophy at University of Leeds in the UK.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wishes to dive deeply into Christ consciousness and silence




