There are many steps involved in creating a new company. One of the most important steps is creating a business plan. I understand that writing a business plan can oftentimes seem overwhelming. This course will help you learn to write a business plan that will assist you in gaining potential investors and allow your business to run smoothly. I walk through each section of an effective business plan to help you feel more informed and empowered to write your plan. The course starts with explaining a business plan and why it is important in your company and then moves into helping you get started writing your plan. Oftentimes when you have a large project to complete, getting starting can be overwhelming. I provide tips and tricks to help get you started. In this course you will receive a Business Plan Template that has easy to follow steps to write your plan. There are example finance sheets, such as a balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and a cash flow analyses. Additionally, I have provided a sample cover page to use in your business plan. By the end of this course you will know how to create a successful and effective business plan.