Writing with the Elements

A personal journey

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Writing with the Elements

What You Will Learn!

  • Explore the aspects of earth, air, water, fire and spirit
  • Develop your creative writing skills
  • Build a body of work related to the elements
  • Be able to apply elemental themes to create atmosphere in your writing


In our exploration of the elements of air, water, fire, earth, and spirit, you can uncover the secrets to exceptional writing. From the most ancient times, our ancestors both respected and venerated the elements on a primal level and it's this understanding that helps us to resonate with readers in our writing.

We explore the element of Earth, starting with the foundations before we move into the other areas of air, water, fire, and spirit. We also look at the role of metals and the underground world as well as plants and other life and how we can incorporate them into our writing. This work can be both spiritual and practical as we reflect on their role in our busy, modern lives.

This course is ideal for poets, storytellers, songwriters, and creatives of all kinds as we navigate a world disconnected from the basics of our Earth experience.  It is hoped that by the end of the course, you will have explored on a personal level the elements in your life as well as building a body of work that explores your creative expression of these elements.

If you love expressing the love you have for our Earth home and want to build great descriptions of setting and atmosphere in your writing, then this is the course for you!

Who Should Attend!

  • All levels of creatives




