Yin Yoga Journey

The functional anatomy of yin yoga

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Yin Yoga Journey

What You Will Learn!

  • Yin Yoga
  • The basic functional Anatomy of why we practice yin
  • How to modify the yin poses to suit your body
  • All the main yin yoga postures and variations


This course includes 8 "weeks" worth of 1 hour (60 minute) long classes, each yin yoga class has a separate theme with different poses. (based on taking 1 class a week; you're more than welcome to do a class a day!)

Plus; there are a dozen mini yin classes for when you don't have a full hour. All with different poses.

Pick and mix what you like, and take your favourite classes again and again. I really love yin as a night time practice for when i really struggle to sleep.

Learn the functional anatomy behind yin yoga as you practice. (I talk a lot about the reasons why we're doing yin yoga and how the practice of yin yoga can help you and what is actually going on in your body.

Modifications offered for poses so complete in-flexible beginners can join in!

Suggested props; A yoga bolster (or a pile of pillows from your bed, maybe with a towel wrapped around them)

A yoga block (or folded up towel)

blankets, layers, soft comfortable clothing you can move in and anything that will help you feel cosy. Fluffy socks are a must.

Disclaimer; These videos are for educational purposes for learning all about yin yoga. If you decide to follow along with the classes you do so at your own risk. I will guide you as best as I can but remember; I cannot see you! so you're the boss. You take responsibility for your body and how it feels in the poses. Do not stay and hold anything that feels "too much" - this practice should never be physically painful.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone looking to find peace, mindfulness and improve their range of motion and flexibility



  • Yoga






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