Yoga for gardeners

Gardening is Heaven for the soul, but can be Hell on the Body!

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Yoga for gardeners

What You Will Learn!

  • How to stay as injury free as possible while gardening
  • How the spiritual tenets or yamas of yoga- particularly Ahimsa /non-violence, Satya /being true to yourself, and Aparigraha/moderation
  • Essential body mechanics and ergonomics relevant for gardening, many applicable for other life activities as well
  • How to increase strength and flexibility relevant for specific gardening tasks, again helpful in daily life as well


What you’ll learn:

How to stay as injury free as possible while gardening

How the spiritual tenets or yamas of yoga- particularly Ahimsa /non-violence, Satya /being true to yourself, and Aparigraha/moderation, non grasping, apply to gardening

Essential body mechanics and ergonomics relevant for gardening, many applicable for other life activities as well

How to increase strength and flexibility relevant for specific gardening tasks, again helpful in daily life as well


No yoga experience necessary

Caution if significant or acute spinal or joint injuries or limitations

Post joint replacement or spinal surgery should get clearance from their physicians

This course includes:

2 introductory presentations of the yoga-gardening connection, body mechanics, garden ergonomics, and relevant anatomy

6 distinct yoga sequences approximately 30 minutes in length with essential basic postures especially relevant for gardeners, including core strength, spinal mobility, leg strength, shoulder and upper back stretches, upper and lower back strength, arm stretches, and post gardening relaxation. Rotating through these sequences during the week gives a complete well balanced practice.

Variations of the yoga postures with modifications for different abilities and body types

Demonstration of the yoga postures’ application to specific gardening tasks and use as stretch breaks during garden activities.

Beautiful and inspiring garden footage

Who This course is for:

Anyone who loves gardening and wants to stay as healthy and injury free as possible doing it- no prior yoga experience necessary!

As we demonstrate, you do not have to be young, model-gorgeous, wear special outfits, or do perfect yoga to benefit from the practice.


Gardening is Heaven for the soul, but can be Hell on the Body!

You don’t need a green thumb to benefit from this beautiful beginner-advanced beginner course presenting the spiritual yoga-gardening connection, gardening ergonomics and body mechanics for injury prevention, and 6 distinct yoga sequences providing a comprehensive program promoting strength and flexibility with special relevance for gardening. The instructor has 35 plus years’ experience as an orthopedic medicine physician, certified yoga instructor, and passionate gardener. This course was born out of her experiences with her own as well as fellow fanatic gardeners’ gardening injuries!

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who loves gardening and wants to stay as healthy and injury free as possible doing it- no prior yoga experience necessary!



  • Injury Prevention






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