YOGA FOR WELLNESS: Yoga an art & science of healthy living.

Yoga for All: Regular exercises and yoga helps in maintaining good health. It improves strength, stamina and immunity.

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YOGA FOR WELLNESS: Yoga an art & science of healthy living.

What You Will Learn!

  • My intended learners are all. Healthy living is happy living. Yoga helps in balancing both physical & mental health, improves concentration.
  • Daily practice of yoga for an hour in the morning on an empty stomach will yield very good results. This will be the best and a wise investment for your health.
  • Do it right. Straining and stretching yourself beyond your comfort level is risky. Regular practice brings in perfection. Do not expect instant benefits.
  • Yoga helps in better flexibility, enhanced memory power, better concentration, increases motivation & productivity, reduces stress & anxiety, assures good sleep


Yoga - a common word these days but the benefits are manifold. Yoga increases concentration and focus. It also gives good immunity, stamina and strength. As we can see these days yoga sessions are held in workplace. This helps in increased motivation and productivity.

Pranayama helps in calming the mind and the body. It helps in reducing stress and anxiety. It enhances the respiratory system. Regular practice of yoga leads to a disease free life. It helps in approaching life with a positive attitude.

Yoga asanas help in toning the muscles, joints and skin. They help in balance and flexibility. It also helps in getting good quality sleep.

Surya Namaskar - Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps in efficient functioning of muscles and joints. It warms up the whole body. Stretches the stomach and other abdominal organs. It is said to be good for the eyes. Its a complete workout and generates a lot of energy.

I have uploaded the video along with the audio and also the write up clearly explaining about each Asana, Pranayama and Surya Namaskar that I have  demonstrated. Strictly follow the do's and don'ts. I hope you find the course interesting and wishing you all the best. 

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for all. Scientist have discovered a fascinating link between regular exercise and better brain health. The advantage of yoga is it can be practiced anywhere and does not require any special equipment all you need is a yoga mat.




