Do you believe in a greater you?
I created this course to inspire people to that end, to help them understand why, what is at stake, and a good idea of how to go about it. It is also the best path to follow for anyone wanting true and lasting success, deeper relationships with others, and the healthiest overall lifestyle; not just about eating well and having enough money, but also about the heart, the mind, love, emotions, psychology...
It is a similar journey as what so many great people have already realized throughout our history. So don’t just take it from me, listen to the messages of our greatest and most kind leaders, they also say that love beats everything, that compassion and caring are the main parts of life to get right above anything else.
“You are not who you think you are, without your soul, your identity is a creation of programming and dysfunctions, ego, selfishness, materialistic desires, not a “real” person. You only become real when your heart, mind, and soul join forces and work as one...”
I have based my methods and teachings on what some of the most revered and enlightened people we have known have shared with us, I have travelled far and wide in search of my own meaning to life while keeping their wisdom close to my heart. Around 50 countries so far, numerous 10 day silent meditation retreats, immersing myself in many cultures and traditions, years upon years of self contemplation and explorations of our truest reality, a Near Death Experience leaving me broken and wanting to die, a catastrophic breakdown begging me to recreate my life to a much more loving and altruistic path... Maybe I have not “done it all” but I sure have done plenty, all in the hope I could connect to some deeper knowledge and wisdom that I could share with others.
Here are some of the main things you will learn in this course:
The only way to know and feel unconditional love is through your soul
Only through healing and overcoming your emotional and psychological challenges can you develop the best relationship with your higher self, and to love
That the best success in life comes from someone who has done their “inner work” first
The only way to have a positive impact in our world, comes from what we do for the sake of true love
Helps to figure out life and your place in it
How inner healing also lessens things like: ADHD, depression, loneliness and despair, heart and other physical and mental illnesses, dependence on drugs, food and alcohol…
It also improves: Moods, deepens relationships, better sleeping patterns, positivity and energy levels, and so many other physical and emotional health benefits