Your Rule of Life

Developing a Plan for Spiritual Growth and Ministry Effectiveness

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Your Rule of Life

What You Will Learn!

  • Develop a plan for spiritual growth and ministry effectiveness
  • Assess your current practice of several spiritual disciplines
  • Identify practical ways of strengthening spiritual practices in one's daily life
  • Appreciate the importance of living all of life with spiritual discipline


Do you long for a deeper relationship with God? Does your heart desire to serve Him more effectively?

In the Your Rule of Life course, veteran pastor and global leadership trainer, Dr. Randy Wollf, helps followers of Jesus develop and implement a plan for spiritual growth and ministry effectiveness. In the book, you will discover:

  • How to view all of life as an act of worship that requires spiritual discipline

  • Why focusing on exercising spiritual discipline in key areas of your life is the best long-term strategy for growth and effectiveness

  • How you can strengthen 13 spiritual practices that will help you draw closer to God and receive more of what He wants to give you to live out His purposes

A Rule of Life is a plan to help you love God more and serve Him more effectively. The plan contains spiritual disciplines or practices that function like a trellis, a wooden structure used to support vines and other plants so that they can grow and bear more fruit. We all have some kind of Rule of Life that helps us grow personally. If we're honest, we'd probably admit that it could be stronger. We long for a deeper relationship with God and for Him to bear more fruit through us. Perhaps, we're unsure of the next steps to make that happen.

The course, Your Rule of Life, looks at a variety of practical ways for you to take those next steps. Some of them focus on time-honored spiritual disciplines like engaging with Scripture and developing a lifestyle of prayer. Others focus on spiritual practices such as taking care of our bodies and making time for play and recreation, which may seem like surprising additions to the list of more classical spiritual disciplines. However, if all of life is an act of worship, then we must exercise spiritual discipline in all aspects of our lives. As we center our lives on God, we will draw closer to Him and receive what He wants to give us to live out His purposes. Your Rule of Life will help you make that happen!

Who Should Attend!

  • Followers of Jesus who want to love Jesus more and serve him wholeheartedly
  • Those who are curious about what it means to follow Jesus




