8 Essentials for Rethinking Depression

8 Simple but powerful steps explained to avoid medication risks prior to seeing the Doctor.

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8 Essentials for Rethinking Depression

What You Will Learn!

  • Health Information for Depression
  • Information rarely discussed by mental health professionals
  • Powerful alternatives to helping with symptoms
  • Simple information about treatments which are often dismissed
  • How to avoid making mental health worse by accepting inaccurate information


With the way the medical system is set up, we are almost never given the most important information necessary to avoid many illnesses. The solutions for depression actually overlap with many other chronic illnesses. There are a number of strategies we have to try before we settle for having an incurable chorionic disease.

In this course, I break down in the simplest fashion, a range of strategies that have profound positive effects on depression. l also discuss vital information that health professionals are often unaware of. This information can help you understand more clearly the choices you have in relation to taking medication. It you are not given all the facts, you cannot make an informed choice.

Knowledge is power. Health professionals mostly never have the time to explain this information and in fact, many are not even aware of it.

In fact, I had to look far outside usual and mainstream sources to find solutions that work. After 20 years of working in the health industry, l can say categorically we have way more options than we are given and often we misadvise people who end up in situations that are fully avoidable.

Here are 8 essential areas of knowledge that may well transform your life and help you avoid the trap of receiving a chronic illness diagnosis of depression.

Who Should Attend!

  • People who are looking for health answers outside of mainstream health



  • Stress Management






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