8D Problem Solving

Learn 8D problem solving in less than one hour

Ratings 3.85 / 5.00
8D Problem Solving

What You Will Learn!

  • The history of 8D problem solving method
  • The 8D problem solving's structure
  • Containment action Vs Corrective action


Many experts believe that problem solving will be one of the most demanded skills in the world of work: it is often not the entity of the problem that makes the difference but how we react, deal with and solve it.

The 8D Method is a very powerful problem solving tool and widespread in the world of automotive quality systems.

We can define problem solving as a method to ask yourself correct questions in front of a problem by providing effective answers that's why tools are very important.

Winston Churchill said that "A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

Here, similarly the good problem solver is a person who focuses on the goal thinking about the tools that he has avoiding wasting time in discussions on the problem, the focus is the solution and it orients itself there.

So, to be an efficient problem solver it is important to increase our skills, learn the techniques that really work, and that analyze the causes of our problems.

--> This course is designed for those who want to avoid wasting time, in fact you will learn seven quality problem solving techniques in about an hour and you can immediately apply them!

In this course you will learn:

  • how the 8D Method was born,

  • each of the stages that compose it,

  • their sequence,

  • the difference between corrective action and containment action,

  • the importance of the root cause analysis.

This course is designed for:

  • Entrepreneurs,

  • Business consultants,

  • Managers and Executives,

  • Freelances,

  • Quality Assurance Manager,

  • People interested in management.

Who Should Attend!

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Management consultants
  • Managers
  • Freelances
  • Quality Assurance Specialists
  • People interested in business management



  • Quality Management
  • Seven Basic Tools of Quality
  • 8D Problem Solving






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