Beginner's Guide: Create & Sell Your First Digital Course

A simple, step-by-step tutorial for Professional Service Providers who want to productize your service.

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Beginner's Guide: Create & Sell Your First Digital Course

What You Will Learn!

  • Stop trading time for money, turn professional services into digital assets
  • Learn how to market your course to a hungry audience who are eager to buy
  • Learn how to choose a proven course topic that will sell FAST and help people
  • Learn how to create your first digital course on different FREE platforms
  • How to record, upload, and actually create the course step by step
  • Learn what equipment to use and FREE resources to get started


If you are a professional service provider,

  • Dentists

  • Lawyers

  • Accountants

  • Chiropractors

  • Massage therapists

  • Personal trainers

  • Physical therapist

  • Occupational therapist

  • Speech language pathologist

and you have wanted to stop trading time for money this course is for you.

Learn how to productize your service. Learn how to capture the real value you create every day with your clients and turn that value it into digital assets.

Imagine if you had to build a new car every time you drove to work. That makes just as much sense as you answering the same questions with the same responses every day in your career. This course will teach you how to record your answers and making them available to the largest possible audience.

You only have so many minutes in a day. No matter how much you charge per hour or per minute once you sell or spend that minute of your life you are never getting it back. A digital course or info product allows you to generate long term residual income from those minutes of life that you can never achieve in a conventional service delivery business model.

If you are a therapists, you could create and sell home treatment programs for each of the most common conditions you treat on a daily basis. You could provide answers to the most common questions as a low cost option to conventional therapy.

If you are a divorce attorney, you could help thousands of individuals find the information they need without spending any more time than it takes to make the recordings.

If you were a dentist, you could help people all over the world who may have no access to appropriate dental care, but have internet access and enough money to buy access to your knowledge and experience.

Instead of spending countless hours working one on one with clients in a conventional model you can now use that time to create content that is infinitely scalable and will help people anywhere in the world at any time of the day or night.

Platforms like Thinkific, Udemy, Kajabi, Podia, Wordpress, and even just a simple email course has democratized access to information and made it possible for professionals like you to reach anyone who needs your knowledge or expertise.

Online learning and digital courses are a huge industry and expected to grow rapidly.

Some ideas for courses you could start with include:

  • The top 10 questions you should ask your surgeon before scheduling a total knee replacement.

  • Should I use heat or ice after an acute injury?

  • What are the best exercises to STOP sciatica pain?

  • 9 best ergonomic changes to make while working from home.

Believe it or not, you have likely already created 100s of courses over the span of your career. The only difference is now you will be paid for do it.

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals who want to stop trading time for money.
  • Professional service providers who want to turn your knowledge into profitable products.
  • Lawyers, therapists, dentists, and other professionals who are looking to productize your service.



  • Online Course Creation






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