Behaviour as Communication

An Introduction to Child-Centred Practice

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Behaviour as Communication

What You Will Learn!

  • How behaviour is used to communicate
  • The therapeutic importance of non-verbal communication
  • Why your own language and position are so important to the child
  • An introducation to child-centred practice


This course will give you an understanding of how behaviour is used to communicate; the therapeutic importance of non-verbal communication and why your own language and position are so important to a child's understanding. You will also learn how being child-centred in your practice will improve outcomes for the child and family.

Discover how understanding Behaviour as Communication Can Help Your Practice

This course covers:

  • An introduction to Behaviour as Communication

  • Non-verbal communication

  • Listening and listening styles

  • Congruence

  • Being aware of ourselves

  • The Johari Window

  • Why chaotic children need boundaries

  • Boundaries and consistency

  • Child-centred practice

Child-Centred Practice improves outcomes for the child and family

Child-centred practice is an approach to child care and education that places the needs and interests of the child at the center of all decision-making. This approach values the child's unique experiences and perspectives, and recognizes that children are capable, competent and active learners. Child-centred practices focus on creating a supportive, responsive and stimulating environment for children to explore, play, and learn, and aim to empower children to reach their full potential through experiences that are tailored to their individual needs and abilities.

Course creator, Jess Lovibond, is a child-centred therapeutic practitioner with a PGC in Applied Systemic Theory (Family Therapy), and has over 20 years experience working with children and families in both social care and school settings. Through her work and experience Jess has amassed a wealth of knowledge regarding behaviour, communication and the implementation of child-centred practice, which she is now sharing with you!

Knowledge of Behaviour as Communication and Child-Centred Practice is beneficial for Professionals such as teachers, social workers and health professionals, who work with vulnerable children and families.

You will find this course especially helpful if you work with vulnerable children/young people  and their families as you can use your learning as a basis for future practice in the workplace to improve positive outcomes.

Individuals and parents who wish to further their personal development and knowledge can also benefit from the contents of this course.

Behaviour as Communication is the third in our series of three training courses. Our courses are designed to complement each other and, although they are stand-alone courses, we recommend they are undertaken together for continuity and a better learning experience:

What you need for this course:

  • No experience or prior knowledge is required, but curiosity is encouraged!

  • A pen and paper to take notes and record your thoughts

  • Think of a specific child/individual you are working with (or have previously worked with), or your own child - and have them in mind throughout - this will help relate the content to your practice

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals working with vulnerable children/young people
  • Parents or individuals wishing to further their personal development
  • Beginners requiring an understanding of behaviour as communication
  • Beginners requiring an understanding of the therapeutic importance of non-verbal communication
  • Individuals requiring knowledge of child-centred practice



  • Parenting






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