Bounce Back From Failure & Turn Conflict into Collaboration

Failure and conflict are often thought of negatively but they can become positive turning points when handled well.

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Bounce Back From Failure & Turn Conflict into Collaboration

What You Will Learn!

  • Set SMART goals to keep you focused during moments of failure.
  • Examine failures systematically to make changes for the future.
  • De-activate workplace conflict triggers by aligning your organization with team members’ needs.
  • Develop solutions that are based on mutual benefit, not compromise.


During the process of innovation, failures are crucial opportunities to measure and study. Conflict is also inevitable but it can be the first step toward improved relationships. This course will give you the basic tactics to learn from failure and manage conflict.

Course 1 – Bounce Back from Failure

It happens to all of us – even some famous faces have encountered failure. Learn to make failure work for you.

  • Recognize Failure
  • Fail Well
  • Be Open to Reflection
  • Avoid the Spiral of Doom

Course 2 – Turn Conflict into Collaboration

Conflict is a reality in everyday life. It has to be managed & the best place to start is with yourself. Learn how in this course.

  • Know the Basics
  • Understand Needs
  • Get to Collaboration

We'd all probably prefer to avoid failure and conflict, but they're not something you solve once and they go away forever. How do you respond to failure? How do you tend to manage conflict now? How might you manage it better in the future? In this course we'll answer those questions and give you strategies you can put to work today.

This two course bundle includes dynamic video, interactive practice lessons, tips from industry leaders, and downloadable PDFs. Each component is designed to be completed in short time allotments, or all at once, to suit your schedule. It will take approximately 1 hour to complete the bundle.

Who Should Attend!

  • Learners who find themselves avoiding uncomfortable situations will benefit from this course. Its straightforward practical advice will give you the confidence to confront failure or conflict head-on.
  • This course is useful for organizational leaders who need to help their staff navigate failure or conflict from time to time.
  • This course does not provide legal advice or information on formal mediation or arbitration.



  • Conflict Management






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