Cakewalk Advanced Hacks Course : Master The DAW Now!

Go from intermediate to advance with these tips. Finish Projects 50% faster. Easily Produce, Manage, Mix and Export.

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Cakewalk Advanced Hacks Course : Master The DAW Now!

What You Will Learn!

  • Advanced Ways To Manage Tracks in Cakewalk
  • Secrets To Using Tools Effectively
  • Mixing Workflow and Hacks
  • Exporting Tips and Tricks
  • And Much More...


Progressing with a newly learned skill can be daunting. Sometimes, we become so complacent with what we know, we forget that learning is a constant process. When it comes to skills like learning a DAW, it can be very intimidating to read 1000+ page manuals to find what we need. So, we tend to stick with what we know even though we might know that there are better ways of doing things.

How about me giving you a shortcut?

Hi, my name is Vishal. In this course, I will teach you advanced ways of using Cakewalk, that can help you finish projects up to 50% faster! Awesome, isn't it?

This course is a series of short, easy-to-follow, non-technical sections, especially made for those who have just basic/essential skills.

Benefits of taking this course:

1. All Important/ Hidden Features of CwB, and my secrets, explained!


2. Jargon-free language, catering to the needs of near beginners.

3. Question & Answer included.

4. Step-by-step Walkthrough from an experienced Professional.

5. Tips and tricks to save you time and effort.

I'll walk you through the entire process step by step. I have made sure to provide you with the information you need to start using these techniques.

This course is perfect for you if you want to be faster with your work, and finish projects easily but don't know where to get started.

You can check out the free preview and I hope to see you there.

Who Should Attend!

  • Cakewalk users at an Intermediate Level



  • Music Production






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