Change Management Fundamentals: Stakeholder Analysis

A step-by-step guide to creating your own Insightful Stakeholder Analysis and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

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Change Management Fundamentals: Stakeholder Analysis

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the various approaches to stakeholder analysis and choose the most appropriate technique for your project.
  • Generate a comprehensive list of stakeholders including key information for stakeholder analysis and engagement activities.
  • Segment stakeholders into easy to understand groups for analysis and gain valuable insights into potential stakeholder engagement activities.
  • Apply the insights from your analysis to support project activities, determine the appropriate engagement approach, and monitor support for your change.


Change Management is a growing field which is increasingly in demand around the world. Change professionals can work across industries, across functions and across various types of change initiatives making this role incredibly versatile and interesting.

Stakeholder Analysis is one of a series of seven Change Management Fundamentals courses, where we build core change management skills for aspiring Change Managers. This course will teach you one of the key skills of a Change Manager to start you on the path into this exciting career.

We will take you through the key considerations of a stakeholder analysis so you can determine the best analysis approach for your project. We'll then go step-by-step through the process of conducting a stakeholder analysis. We'll finish off the chapter with thoughts on how to use your stakeholder analysis to deliver ongoing value to your change initiative.

Topics include:

1. Stakeholder Analysis Fundamentals - Understand what a stakeholder analysis is and why it is important

2. Stakeholder Analysis Approaches - Choose the most appropriate stakeholder analysis technique for your project

3. Stakeholder Identification - Identify a comprehensive list of your project's stakeholders

4. Stakeholder Segmentation - Segment your stakeholders to develop insights into change management planning

5. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy - Interpret the results of your stakeholder segmentation to create your stakeholder engagement strategy

6. What Next? - Maximize insights from the stakeholder analysis and determine your next steps

This course is a practical 'how to' guide with worksheets, templates and real-world advice to help structure your thinking and guide you in the process.  By following this course, we'll support you to get the maximum benefit and insight from your stakeholder analysis. And, if you follow along with the exercises, you will have completed your own stakeholder analysis for your change initiative!

So, if you're someone who is not currently a change practitioner, who wants to create a stakeholder analysis that provides insight into your stakeholder needs, this course is for you.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for people who have been tasked with completing a stakeholder analysis for a project and require a structured and detailed ‘how to’ to guide you through the process.
  • Individuals looking to develop their skills in order to obtain a role as a change manager within a business or project. This course is one in a series which provides students with foundational change management skills and prepares them to fulfill a role as an Organizational Change Manager.
  • Project Managers and Business Analysts who are interested in deepening their understanding of the value and process for completing a Stakeholder Analysis.



  • Change Management
  • Stakeholder Management






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