The content is linked exactly to the Pearson Edexcel IGCSE Civil Rights specification
Covers some of the major political and social events of US history during the years 1945-74, including:
The Cold War and the Red Scare
Segregation and discrimination
Civil rights movement
Student protests
Women's movement
Richard Nixon and Watergate
Students will gain an understanding of the impact of the Cold War on US politics at the outset of the Cold War
Students will analyse the key events in the civil rights movement
There will be an indepth examination of other protest movements, particualry student protests and the women's movement
Stduents will learn the causes of the Watergate Scandal that shook American politics in the 1970s
Key events in the Watergate Scandal will be taught and the impact this had on wider US politics and society
For students who are taking the IGCSE course, there are over two hours of videos that break down the exam paper and how each question should be addressed
There are worked examples showing students exactly how to attain a Level 9 answer with analysis from a Pearson Edexcel examiner
There are quizzes at the end of each section that test your knowledge on each section