Clear stress in less time than it takes to find the Valium

Literally measure your stress levels dropping, in 3 minutes or less, with every technique.

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Clear stress in less time than it takes to find the Valium

What You Will Learn!

  • Relax instantly
  • Keep a clear head no matter what is going on
  • Clear your stress to zero and keep yourself clear
  • Protect yourself from negativity
  • Be able to cope with confrontation better
  • Experience Peace of Mind quickly and easily
  • Bring Peace to troubling situations
  • Reprogram stressful memories so they don't hurt any more
  • Easy way to prevent being a road statistic
  • Significantly improve health and well being
  • Clear 70% of headaches in 30 seconds
  • Dissolve tension headaches and other blockages
  • Avoid hangovers
  • Learn points on your body that wake up your whole body/brain systems
  • Learn random bizarre things about New Zealand


    My brain injury inspired me to spend the last 25 years scouring the world for fast, easy, fun solutions to CLEARING stress, not just managing it. 

  - I knew there had to be alternatives to drugs, and I found some doozies! 

    I am living proof that these emPOWERment tools work for every kind of stress from money stresses to relationship crisis; and they are just as effective for kids as they are for adults. 

    - PLEASE teach them to your kids, we should all have been taught these things in kindergarten.  Imagine how much easier life would have been if school had taught us to 

  Instantly reprogram our primitive brain centers to have a composed response to stress instead of an automatic stress reaction

  So that when everyone around you is losing their minds, you are relaxed, and have a clear head REGARDLESS OF CIRCUMSTANCE! 

  - Relaxing instantly and keeping a clear head are just the first two emPOWERment tools you’ll learn. They can mean the difference between life and death so they will always be FREE in the first part of the course

    The rest of the tools help make life worth living; and everything life throws at us a whole lot easier to cope with. 

    The AMA tells us that more than 90% of illness is stress related, but stressful situations aren't usually the cause of long term health problems. Our inability to cope with stress is what makes us sick

    We are not taught how our brains and bodies work, or how to program them for optimal functioning under stress. Instead we learn to suppress the symptoms that are there to draw our attention to causes that need to be addressed. 

    This is never long term helpful. It WILL eventually make you sick, and cost you a whole lot to fix in time, money, energy, focus, relationships etc. 

    These emPOWERment tools will give you an edge in every part of your life; from helping to heal the pain of the past, to moving forward powerfully into the future

    They work because they 

  •     ·Tackle CAUSES not SYMPTOMS 

        ·Provide immediate positive results – 3 minutes or less 

        ·Are easy enough for a child to do 

        ·Have NO negative side effects 

        ·Are FUN! 

    So enjoy bringing your stress down to zero, and then have your mind blown by what the emPOWERment Tools when you AREN'T stressed! 

    Unfriggingbelievable benefits in productivity increase alone! 

    Give every technique you learn a fair go to find out just how effective it really is, and when you experience the difference, pay it forward. Tell your mates and everyone you care about. 

    Life isn't getting any less challenging, we have to step up, and skill up. 

  $125 will get you a month's worth of Valium, or a lifetime supply of emPOWERment tools that could make the Valium redundant. 

    Invest in yourself. 

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone challenged by stress
  • Anyone not challenged by stress! When you use these tools to empower you from a neutral place your productivity goes through the roof and all kinds of miracles happen!
  • EVERYONE! These things should have been taught in kindergarten! PLEASE teach them to your children! They are essential survival skills no-one should have to try and manage without



  • Stress Management






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