Common Lisp programming: from novice to effective developer

Learn the Lisp language, the tools and the ecosystem to become a productive and happy programmer.

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Common Lisp programming: from novice to effective developer

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the Lisp language
  • Master the image-based, interactive Lisp workflow
  • Use Common Lisp for day-to-day scripting
  • Develop and deploy real-world applications
  • Learn functional constructs, error handling; will cover CLOS and more
  • Understand Lisp macros, symbolic computation and compile-time computing


Common Lisp is an awesome language. It has pioneered a LOT of concepts in computer science, and while old it is still used in the industry by Big Corps (all quantum computing ones, Google) as well as one-person companies (me!). I'll help you learn it efficiently.

NEW: I just published my 18 videos about MACROS in September, 2023!

There are subtitles.

The sound quality dramatically improved since the beginning in 2021. The new videos (iteration, projects, conditions, macros…) have perfect audio. I re-recorded the sound of 3 old videos (last update: January, 2023). The sound of some videos have glitches (some remaining in the "functions" chapter). I'll re-record more step by step. Thanks!

I publish complementary videos on Youtube (vindarel channel).

If you subscribe now, you'll get the next chapters at the same price.

Lisp the language is different than the Algol/C-like family of languages, and the Lisp development environments still offer unmatched capabilities: interactive, image-based development experience, while getting type warnings and errors at compile time in a fraction of a second, speed in the same group of C, Rust and Java (while sweating less to get to the result), while ensuring stability across decades, etc, etc, etc.

However, you are about to enter a big new world. There are rough edges, the information is sometimes spread apart and hard to discover, despite my continuous work on collaborative resources.

So, I gathered my knowledge and experience of more than six years of continuous reading, tweaking, writing, asking and answering questions, discovering libraries, trial and error, releasing open-source libraries, starter kits and demo projects, contributing to ambitious projects and running commercial services into this series of videos.

We will learn the language, the tools, the most important pieces of the ecosystem, in order to be able to develop a Common Lisp software from the ground up. We will see some theory on what a Lisp language is but, be warned, theory isn't our goal, we'll quickly dive into the Common Lisp way. I will develop with Emacs and Slime (you can use Atom/Pulsar, Vim, VSCode, Sublime, Lem or a simple text editor along with a command line prompt), we will learn the syntax, we will see all about functions and macros, all the iteration constructs, error and condition handling, the CLOS object system (upcoming for 2024) and we will build binaries and deploy our applications to production servers, etc.

The Common Lisp Cookbook (which I mainly wrote) is a good companion to this video series.

I am genuinely happy to share all that with you in this new video format and I wish you a fun journey.

PS: pro tip: if you find a video too slow or if you think you know the content, watch it at speed x1.25 or x1.5. However I recommend to not skip content, as I give tips here and there and inside a section we build on the previous video's content.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students of computer science who want to discover why Lisp still has un-matched alien technology inside.
  • Young(ish) profesional developers who feel they deserve a more fun, comfy, compiled and fast programming language.
  • Python or JavaScript programmers frustrated by the unstability of their ecosystem.
  • Your friend or colleague.



  • Program Management






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