Contracts Bottom Line, Claims Universe & Disputes Resolution

Two Rules of Thumb; Contracts must be read before signing it & Contracts must be read as a Whole!

Ratings 3.55 / 5.00
Contracts Bottom Line, Claims Universe & Disputes Resolution

What You Will Learn!

  • Contracting Fundamentals from scratch to intermediate level, or even a little further!
  • Contract Administration, Anatomy of A Contract, Claims Universe, & Disputes Resolution Methods


This course shall be deemed as a quick entry to contract management/administration.

The course shall offer through its first section the fundamentals and basic knowledge related to contracting for capital projects. And so on by the end of that section, it shall shed the light on presenting the most important 22 Contractual Clauses to take due diligence with.

That is encompassing the following:

- Introduction to Contract Administration

- Defenition of the Contract

- Contract Elements

- Contract Contents

- Both Contract Mistakes that either may make the contract defective or do not affect its enforceability

- Contract Types vs. Methods of Delivery and resulting Contract Arrangements

- Requirements, Pros, and Cons per each distinguished type of the contract.

- Contractor Pre-Qualification

- A Tough Decision of Bid or No Bid

- The Most Important 22 Contractual Clauses

For its second section, the course offers an overview of Construction Claims and Disputes. That is, you're going to be taught about the followings:

- Distinguish VOs, Claims, and Disputes

- Contractor Claims

- Owner/Employer Claims

- Burden of Proof!

-  Damages / Quantum

- Claims and its relation to the Project Delivery Method

- Analysis of A Claim

- Dispute Resolution Methods

Who Should Attend!

  • CM, PM, Executives, Planners, Cost Control, Procurement, Tenderer, Estimators, ..etc.



  • Contract Management






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