O pré-cálculo é uma disciplina acadêmica que abrange tópicos matemáticos fundamentais necessários pa...
Ratings: 4.85/5.00 Lectures: 105 Subscribers: 1170
Seja bem-vindo(a) ao curso de Robotic Process Automation: RPA automação com Python, eu sou o Cleviso...
Ratings: 4.52/5.00 Lectures: 39 Subscribers: 1169
Bienvenido al Curso Creación de Reportes Visuales con RmarkdownTe gustaría poder generar tus informe...
Ratings: 4.35/5.00 Lectures: 56 Subscribers: 1168
Natural Language Processing or NLP is a very popular field and has lots of applications in our daily...
Ratings: 4.50/5.00 Lectures: 26 Subscribers: 1166
Welcome to this course on Discovering Statistics!Statistics is the foundation of all other statistic...
Ratings: 4.04/5.00 Lectures: 51 Subscribers: 1165
The OpenAI API is one of the most exciting advancements in the world of natural language and code pr...
Ratings: 4.11/5.00 Lectures: 42 Subscribers: 1164
This is the first course that gives hands-on Data Science, Analytics & AI Real world Projects us...
Ratings: 4.76/5.00 Lectures: 45 Subscribers: 1161
كورس لتعليم اساسيات التعلم العميق والشبكات العصبية الالتفافية للمبتدئين وحتى المستوى المتقدمسواء كنت...
Ratings: 4.76/5.00 Lectures: 42 Subscribers: 1157
Data Structures? They're here. Algorithms? Covered. Lots of questions with well-explained solutions?...
Ratings: 4.82/5.00 Lectures: 102 Subscribers: 1156
Das sagen Teilnehmer über diesen Kurs:"Sehr aktiver Dozent der sich um die Kursteilnehmer und den Ku...
Ratings: 4.16/5.00 Lectures: 177 Subscribers: 1152
*** 如Kickstarter所示 ***人工智能正呈指数级增长。这点毫无疑问。自动驾驶汽车的驾驶里程已经能够达到数...
Ratings: 4.24/5.00 Lectures: 181 Subscribers: 1150
이 강의는 유데미 강좌 중 "LangChain- Develop LLM powered applications with LangChain"와 동일한 강의...
Ratings: 4.47/5.00 Lectures: 54 Subscribers: 1145
Welcome aboard your inaugural voyage into the vibrant world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and...
Ratings: 4.70/5.00 Lectures: 125 Subscribers: 1135
You May Have Some Knowledge in Data Science But In Interview the Interviewer ask some tricky questio...
Ratings: 4.81/5.00 Lectures: 23 Subscribers: 1132
Welcome to "Statistics for Data Analysts and Scientists" - the ultimate course to help you master th...
Ratings: 4.47/5.00 Lectures: 31 Subscribers: 1130