
Sub Categories

Xamarin Quest: Build Maintainable Apps with Xamarin and MVVM

Hey,does this sentence sound familiar to you: I know that putting all the code in one place in Xamar...

Ratings: 4.31/5.00     Lectures: 54  Subscribers: 569

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Java EE : Spring Framework / Hibernate / Git / Maven /Flickr

Pourquoi ce cours ?Java a quasiment depuis toujours constitué le langage de prédilection des entrepr...

Ratings: 4.30/5.00     Lectures: 53  Subscribers: 569

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Desenvolvimento WEB com Python e Flask

Aprenda a construir os seus próprios projetos WEB de forma completa do zero ao avançado com o Framew...

Ratings: 4.12/5.00     Lectures: 32  Subscribers: 569

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Python 4000: The Software Creation Process ("Gig Success")

From that one person gig, to those board room brainstorming sessions, the concepts taught in "Gig Su...

Ratings: 4.00/5.00     Lectures: 12  Subscribers: 569

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TIBCO Spotfire Cloud, do Básico ao Avançado

Nesse curso você aprenderá a usar do software TIBCO Cloud Spotfire, uma ferramenta incrível para aná...

Ratings: 4.42/5.00     Lectures: 44  Subscribers: 568

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Programowanie obiektowe w C++

Zapraszam osoby, które już zaczęły programować w C++ i chciałyby nauczyć się programować obiektowo....

Ratings: 4.36/5.00     Lectures: 63  Subscribers: 568

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R para Ciencia de Datos - Machine Learning con R

* Este curso es parte del Data Scientist Bootcamp de Datademia. Visita nuestra web para más informac...

Ratings: 4.32/5.00     Lectures: 64  Subscribers: 568

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Golang, Postgres e React num projeto fullstack de finanças

Aprenda desenvolver com as tecnologias mais modernas do mercado de forma pratica com Golang, SQLC, N...

Ratings: 3.90/5.00     Lectures: 99  Subscribers: 568

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Artificial Intelligence:Deep Learning in Real World Business

Unleash the Power of AI: Deep Learning in Real World BusinessUnlock the world of Artificial Intellig...

Ratings: 3.60/5.00     Lectures: 26  Subscribers: 568

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Make predictions with Python machine learning for apps

Go through 3 ultimate levels of artificial intelligence for beginners!Learn artificial intelligence,...

Ratings: 3.47/5.00     Lectures: 122  Subscribers: 568

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Build Neural Networks In Seconds Using Deep Learning Studio

In this course you will Machine Learning And Neural Networks easily. We will develop Keras / TensorF...

Ratings: 3.06/5.00     Lectures: 43  Subscribers: 568

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Advanced Java Programming

Java is still the most popular language and is used in a variety of applications. In this course we'...

Ratings: 4.71/5.00     Lectures: 84  Subscribers: 567

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Principios SOLID y Diseño Orientado Objetos con Kotlin

Ahora que aprendiste a programar el siguiente paso es mejorar la calidad del código y los programas...

Ratings: 4.71/5.00     Lectures: 74  Subscribers: 567

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تعلم جافاسكريبت الحديثة من الصفر إلى الاحتراف

تعتبر لغة جافاسكريبت من اللغات الهامة جدا لتعلمها في الفترة الأخيرة , سارعت لغة جافاسكريبت بالتطور ب...

Ratings: 4.64/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 567

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Modern PHP MySQL Masterclass from Scratch- Chat Box Project

Are you New to PHP and want to learn PHP MySQL database the right way? Then there is no need searchi...

Ratings: 4.44/5.00     Lectures: 49  Subscribers: 567

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