Health & Fitness

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Codependência Química

O curso Codependência Química é um programa abrangente projetado para aqueles que desejam compreende...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 47  Subscribers: 1

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Understanding and Managing Inner Conflicts

Welcome to a transformative journey into the intricate landscape of the human psyche. In "Understand...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 5  Subscribers: 1

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RSM Int'l Academyの姿勢と動作改善トレーニングは欧州の医師と病院で医学的に認められていますこのコース...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 31  Subscribers: 1

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Le mensonge (FormationsPsy)

Le mensonge peut se retrouver dans toutes les sphères sociales : privée, professionnelle mais aussi...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 5  Subscribers: 1

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Winning Soccer Vol. 6 - Dribbling and Shooting Skills

Creative dribbling coupled with powerful shooting skills provide a solid foundation for successful a...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 1

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Mental Hygiene

The whole state of a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being is referred to as the...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 0  Subscribers: 1

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Arrhythmia Diagnosis Video Course

Arrhythmia is one of the most complicated, and most difficult to study fields of Cardiology. This co...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 51  Subscribers: 1

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Fitness Dance Cha Cha Cha

Das Ziel dieses Kurses  ist, dass man mit einem kleinen Fitnessworkout, tanzen lernt, T...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 11  Subscribers: 1

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YIN YOGA Armonía total

Bienvenidos al curso de YIN YOGA Practicar Yin Yoga  te ayuda a lograr armonía total física, me...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 16  Subscribers: 1

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Play Better Racquetball - Strategies

Devising and using specific tactics against an opponent is often the key to winning, especially agai...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 1

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Techniques Vol. 3 - Sweeps and Reversals

Fighters well-versed in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu possess the knowledge and skills necessary to reverse po...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 1

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Melhore a Dor na Coluna Lombar com Mobilidade e Estabilidade

Olá, meu nome é Wilton Soares e sou professor de Educação Física. Durante a minha carreira venho aju...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 1

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Aromaterapia prática

Esse curso é para você que deseja aliviar dores e tensões no autocuidado, aplicando óleos essenciais...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 21  Subscribers: 1

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Curso de YOGA - Rutinas de 10 minutos!

Bienvenidos al curso de RUTINAS DE YOGA en 10 minutosEste es en curso diseñado para  realizar l...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 12  Subscribers: 1

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Восстановление зрения естественным путем. Базовый курс.

Авторская методика улучшения зрения за 2 недели.Что именно я Вам предлагаю:Безопасные упражнения для...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 44  Subscribers: 1

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Four Fun Filled Workouts For The Family

Do you want to create a healthier lifestyle for your loved ones, but don't know where to start? Are...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 5  Subscribers: 1

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How to coach and train an Under 17 & Under 18 soccer team

The course will teach you how to set up an effective soccer training sessions for an under 17 &...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 18  Subscribers: 1

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Finding Light: A Holistic Guide to Depression Relief

Depression ReliefCourse Overview:Depression Relief is a transformative online course designed to pro...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 1

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Yoga für den Rücken

Hast du Schmerzen oder Verspannungen im Rücken?​Mit meinem Onlinekurs Yoga für den Rücken kannst du...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 10  Subscribers: 1

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C1 Thumbless Hard-Pressure Foot Reflexology Full Routine

Are you a reflexologist or a massage therapist who constantly battles sore thumbs and fatigue caused...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 24  Subscribers: 1

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