***Updated December 2021OverviewMath in the 6th grade is very challenging for many parents and stude...
Ratings: 4.23/5.00 Lectures: 41 Subscribers: 783
The most important promise of this course is that you can become a SUPER LEARNER . Whether you know...
Ratings: 4.96/5.00 Lectures: 26 Subscribers: 762
Der ultimative Kurs zum Schnelllesen und effektiven Lernen: Entdecke deine Superpower!Hast du dich j...
Ratings: 4.72/5.00 Lectures: 41 Subscribers: 755
In jeder Lebenslage wird das Lernen von uns verlangt: Im Kindergarten, Schule, Abitur, Hochschu...
Ratings: 3.84/5.00 Lectures: 25 Subscribers: 750
"O ideal da educação não é aprender ao máximo, maximizar os resultados, mas é antes de tudo aprender...
Ratings: 3.83/5.00 Lectures: 19 Subscribers: 750
La mémoire a ses secrets. Pourquoi ne sommes-nous pas capables de retenir les noms propres ? Mais où...
Ratings: 4.10/5.00 Lectures: 38 Subscribers: 717
Bu kursun, öğrenme konusunda oldukça fazla teknik denemiş ve artık gerçekten sıkılmışlar için son ka...
Ratings: 3.24/5.00 Lectures: 10 Subscribers: 712
Unutkanlık çağımızın en büyük sorunu. Sosyal yaşamımızda , iş yaşantımızda , okul hayattamızda hatta...
Ratings: 3.52/5.00 Lectures: 8 Subscribers: 697
Our IB Chinese A Language and literature Intensive Revision Reading is based on the past year papers...
Ratings: 0.00/5.00 Lectures: 0 Subscribers: 696
If you've tried other courses and had limited results, this is the course for you. The 7 Skills...
Ratings: 3.51/5.00 Lectures: 115 Subscribers: 668
In the modern world, we all face countless distractions. Our smartphones, computers, constant notifi...
Ratings: 3.94/5.00 Lectures: 12 Subscribers: 645
In this course, students can learn how to do calculations faster and accurate using abacus tool. We...
Ratings: 4.37/5.00 Lectures: 147 Subscribers: 628
Inteligência faz parte da Natureza de qualquer Ser Humano. Todos nós temos capacidades cognitiva ili...
Ratings: 4.67/5.00 Lectures: 37 Subscribers: 619
Each and every person has each and every unique ability. Some are born to make history in cricket, s...
Ratings: 4.39/5.00 Lectures: 10 Subscribers: 611
Lerne schnell ohne viel zu üben und rufe dein Wissen sicher und zuverlässig ab - in jedem Alter!Neut...
Ratings: 4.80/5.00 Lectures: 48 Subscribers: 601