Dopper Effect

Physical Science Grade 12

Ratings 0.00 / 5.00
Dopper Effect

What You Will Learn!

  • Explain the Doppler Effect
  • Apply the relationship between frequency and velocity
  • Apply the Doppler Effect to practical applications
  • State and explain the uses of the Doppler Effect


This course is ideal for purchase by parents with kids who are taking Physical Science in their final year of high school.

Physical Science is a student's gateway to the world; an eye-opener into the way everything works and fits together in the universe.

Give your child a journey through time into the world of the fathers of science like Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo. Physics takes us through a time when the workings of the world were being discovered and then brings us back to the myriad of opportunities in our generation for discovery. There is much to learn and uncover in the world and physics gives us the upper hand.

This is an exciting course that explores how observers perceive wave mediums. It will help learners understand how mediums such as light and sound are received in various situations.

The course will explore how motion affects the perception of wave mediums. The variables that affect the perception of wave mediums will be defined and related calculations, undertaken.

Various scenarios relating to wave sources and their observers will be investigated.

We will explore the concepts related to the Doppler Effect.

Various practical examples of the significance of the Doppler Effect will be investigated.

The world of Physics awaits. A world of adventure and discovery.

Take advantage of this course, which breaks down the Doppler Effect into simple concepts that your child can absorb easily. Make physics fun and easy for your child. Give your child the gift of physics and the advantage of breezing through physical science.

Who Should Attend!

  • Parents with kids who are in their final year of school i.e. grade 12 and are taking Physical Science will find that this course makes Physics simple to understand



  • Physics






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