The GRIHA Certified Professionals or GRIHA CP is a cadre of professionals from diverse fields, who are equipped with the knowledge of the GRIHA rating system.
Eligibility Criteria:
Students are not eligible for the exam. Doctorate/Postgraduate/Graduate/Diploma holders in any stream can appear for the exam.
Examination Process:
The examination is held once a month. It's an online examination which can be given from your home/office
Exam structure:
The GRIHA CP examination has 60 questions.
Maximum marks are 100.
The exam duration is 75 minutes.
The passing marks to become a GRIHA Certified Professional are 75.
There is NO negative marking
Full marks for questions will be given only when the following conditions are met:
Single Choice Questions: Marks will be given only when the candidate selects the correct option and only one option. If more than one option is selected, the question will automatically be marked zero.
Multiple Choice Questions: Full marks (2 or 3) will be given only when the candidate selects all right answers. If the candidate selects less/more options than the correct options or if even one of the selected options is incorrect, the question will be marked zero.
There are 3 sections in the question paper:
Section 1: Single/Multiple Choice Questions (40 Questions). The candidate will have to assess for each question whether it will have 1/2/3 correct options and mark accordingly.
Section 2: True and False (10 Questions)
Section 3: Calculations (10 Questions)
This course includes 120 sample questions covering all the sections for GRIHA Certified Professional Version 2019 exam.
The sample test will be very useful for those who are planning to take GRIHA Certified Professional Version 2019 exam.
This course will be frequently updated with new questions.
Please contact us if you have any query related to this course on