Stress Management Part 1: How is Stress making you sick?

The Stress - Disease Connection

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Stress Management Part 1: How is Stress making you sick?

What You Will Learn!

  • How is stress making you sick?
  • The stress-disease connection!
  • What exactly is stress? What’s the definition of stress?
  • How can we identify a person going though a lot of stress in life. What exactly are the signs of a stressed out individual?
  • What is Cortisol?
  • Is there a normal Cortisol Rhythm?
  • Physiology of The Stress Response.
  • HPA axis (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis)
  • SAM axis (Sympathetic-adreno-medullar axis)
  • Stress & Weight gain + Stress & Diabetes
  • Stress & Gut health
  • Stress & Heart health
  • Stress & Mental health
  • Stress & Sexual health
  • Stress & Immunity
  • Stress, Fatigue & Insomnia
  • You will learn how knowingly or unknowingly you could be developing chronic health conditions due to chronically being in a state of stress.


This course is to educate you on how knowingly or unknowingly you could be developing chronic health conditions due to chronically being in a state of stress. This course is the first one of the 4 part series on stress management.

In this course: -

First we will try and understand what exactly is stress?

What are the signs of a Stressed out individual !

We will understand The stress hormone cortisol and what it does to our body.

Is there a normal Cortisol Rhythm?

We will learn about the different types of stress, the physiology of stress.

The HPA axis (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis) and the SAM axis (Sympathetic-adreno-medullar axis).

We will understand the connection between stress and disease.

Stress & Weight gain

Stress & Diabetes

Stress & Gut health

Stress & Heart health

Stress & Mental health

Stress & Sexual health

Stress & Immunity

Stress - Fatigue & Insomnia

It is important to first learn about the depth and intensity of the physiology of stress and how it has the potential of causing disease in any part of your body. Only then you would be able to take the next step i.e. work consciously in managing your stress and dealing with stressful situations in your life!

If you are ready to learn How is stress making you sick? Please do join me in taking your first step towards living a stress free life and taking your health in your hands!

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is feeling the effect of stress!
  • Anyone who would like to follow the path of Prevention!
  • Anyone who would like to learn about how stress could be the root cause of various chronic health conditions!
  • Anyone who is taking care of a family member or a friend in pain due to chronic stress.



  • Stress Management






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