How to have effective relationships with your managers

How to improve your relationships with the executive management team

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How to have effective relationships with your managers

What You Will Learn!

  • How to maintain an effective, productive working relationship with your own manager
  • Tips for managing up
  • When is managing up useful?
  • How can you know yourself and your manager better
  • How to discover your manager strengths and weaknesses
  • How to find out what motivates you and your manager?
  • The limits of managing up
  • Sustaining your ideas
  • Managing with a toxic manager
  • How to negotiate
  • Creating and improving credibility
  • How to identify your priorities?
  • Improving the relationship with your manager


Hello and welcome to our course!

The main target of this course is to help you improve your relationships with your direct manager and other superiors.

Not knowing how to build great relationships with your managers can hinder your professional growth, create challenges in communication and collaboration, and negatively impact your job satisfaction and overall career prospects. Developing these relationship-building skills is vital for success in the workplace.

What you will learn:

1. Understand the concept of managing up: you will be able understand the term "managing up" in professional relationships, particularly with direct managers and superiors.

2. Develop effective working relationships with managers: you will acquire skills to communicate effectively, understand your manager's strengths and weaknesses, and identify ways to collaborate successfully.

3. Set realistic expectations and prioritize tasks: you will gain knowledge and tools to set realistic expectations for yourself and other managers you collaborate with. You will learn how to identify the managers priorities, manage their workload effectively, and align their expectations with goals and objectives.

4. Deal with challenging managerial situations: gain necessary skills to navigate challenging situations involving managers, such as working with a toxic manager or presenting problems and opportunities effectively. You will learn how to negotiate, maintain credibility, and find ways to improve relationships even in difficult circumstances.

Not knowing how to build great relationships with your managers can have several risks and negative consequences in the workplace:

1. Lack of support and guidance: Building a strong relationship with your manager is essential for receiving the necessary support, guidance, and feedback to have great results in your role ( you can gain mentorship, developmental opportunities, and important information about your job or the organization)

2. Limited career advancement: Managers are responsible for evaluating your performance, recommending promotions or raises, and providing opportunities for growth. If you don't have a good relationship with your manager may not be inclined to advocate for your career progression, potentially hindering your professional development.

3. Miscommunication and misunderstandings: Effective communication is key to any successful working relationship. If you struggle to build a good rapport with your manager, it can lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and conflicts. Poor communication can result in missed deadlines, unclear expectations, and decreased productivity.

4. Decreased job satisfaction and engagement: When the relationship with your manager is strained or nonexistent, it can negatively impact your overall job satisfaction and engagement. You may feel undervalued, unsupported, and disconnected from the team or organization. This can lead to decreased motivation, lower productivity, and even increased stress or burnout.

5. Negative reputation and limited opportunities: If you have a reputation for not being able to build good relationships with managers, it can impact your professional image and limit future opportunities. Managers often communicate with each other and share information about employees. If you're known for having difficulties in this area, it may affect your chances of being considered for new projects, assignments, or even future job opportunities.

It is important to have a positive relationship with your manager because it contributes to job satisfaction and can increase your overall enjoyment of the work you do. Feeling valued, respected, and understood by your manager will increase your sense of belonging within the organization. This will lead to higher job satisfaction, increased engagement, and ultimately, improved employee retention.

Let us help you take the best out of you and improve your relationships with your manager and other superiors!

We look forward to have you enrolled in our classes!

Thank you for choosing us!

Please take into consideration that at the end of the course you will received only an Udemy certificate!

Who Should Attend!

  • Persons with an interest in managing up with managers and / or other superiors
  • Persons who recently changed their job
  • Persons who want to improve the communication with their manager and / or other superiors



  • Relationship Building






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