How to Navigate Any Event with Skill & Confidence

Networking happens at conferences, social events, anywhere and everywhere. But how do you do it?

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How to Navigate Any Event with Skill & Confidence

What You Will Learn!

  • How to get over natural/normal fears of walking into a room with people you don't know
  • How to introduce yourself so you're memorable without being weird
  • Ways to prepare for an event
  • Learn how and when to follow up afterwards
  • How to juggle food and an appetizer
  • Tips to get into a conversation (and exit one)
  • What to do with all those business cards
  • How to best use LinkedIn to prepare and follow up from an event
  • Build confidence.


Whoever you are and whatever you do, connecting to other people is essential. Yet there are times when normal nerves kick in.

This course will help you gain confidence with helpful tips and strategies to make it less intimidating

  • Do you cringe at the idea of even walking into a room of 'strangers'?

  • Feel overwhelmed when you see everyone in clusters talking and feel left out?

  • Wonder how to break into a conversation? Or get out of one!

  • Forget someone's name and want hide?

  • Wonder how to get out of a conversation?

  • Got a stack of business cards and no method of staying in touch?

  • At a social event and see someone in your business sphere and aren't sure how to talk to "senior level" people?

In this engaging, fast paced course you'll learn skills and strategies to gain confidence when you need to "work a room."

You'll have a completely new perspective on how to manage normal/natural anxiety when talking to people you don't know (and why you can blame your parents).

You'll walk away having a greater understanding of how to make connections and stay in touch.

May this work well for you and I wish you great success.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to gain confidence at events - from a BBQ to the Oscars
  • People who understand they need to connect with others to succeed - professionally and personally
  • Individuals who want to expand who they know and more importantly - who knows you!
  • People who have been in the workplace for awhile and feel stuck
  • Anyone starting out in their career and wants to make a good first impression
  • Non-sales professionals (eg. architects, engineers, doctors, accountants) who need to bring in clients
  • Sales professionals who are great at closing business and want to polish their networking skills
  • Fundraisers who are seeking ways to connect to donors in an authentic way



  • Personal Networking






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