How to sue telemarketers: Earn up to 1500 per call

Win monetary damages for telemarketing violations

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How to sue telemarketers:  Earn up to 1500 per call

What You Will Learn!

  • What is the TCPA and how does it limit telemarketing activities
  • How can a properly worded demand letter force marketers to pay damages for their actions without going to court
  • How the small claims process works
  • How to properly register your number on the Do Not Call list to stop marketers from contacting you


Telemarketers are ruthless, no matter what you do they keep calling you day after day.  Asking them to stop doesn't work, the only way to make them stop is to FORCE them to stop by holding them accountable to the law.  By knowing the rules of the TCPA, you can easily sue these telemarketers for damages without the need for a lawyer.  There are no special skills required and the process often takes an hour or less to begin collecting damages.  Minimum monetary damages are $500 per violation, and up to triple damages if the telemarketer acted willfully and knowingly.  We will discuss a comprehensive list of everything you need to know from start to finish in order to register your number on the Do Not Call list, write a demand letter, be successful when suing in small claims court, and various tips and tricks I've learned along the way.  Remember, the only thing that will get these telemarketers attention and cause them to stop calling you is if you hit them where it hurts, their pocket book.  By collecting monetary damages you decrease the likelihood of being called again and can earn a significant sum of monetary damages in the process.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is tired of telemarketers contacting you without your permission



  • Business Law






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