How to Trade Options to Complement a Buy & Hold Strategy

options strategies that maximize the returns of your current stock portfolio

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How to Trade Options to Complement a Buy & Hold Strategy

What You Will Learn!

  • The 4 basic building blocks of options trading
  • 10 Bullish, multi-leg options strategies. Including...
  • 3 Bullish, multi-leg options strategies created to minimize tax implications and maximize compounding effects
  • 4 Bullish options strategies that require no upfront capital to initiate
  • 3 Protective strategies for times of near-term market fear
  • How to alter a strategy based on changing market conditions
  • The most important properties of derivitaves to consider when constructing a position


This is not your typical "get rich quick" options trading course. I'm not creating this class from my hypothetical yacht and I'm not recording it in front of my Lambos that I rented just to impress you.

I am a conservative, buy & hold investor. For the vast majority of my investing career, I only held S&P index funds that mirrored the market. I had written off options trading as gambling and speculation. I beat inflation simply by dollar-cost-averaging.

But eventually I dipped my toes into the options world and I soon realized that there were many different trading strategies that I could use on top of my existing positions that would enhance my gains. I could allow my stock to continue to compound upon itself with no additional tax implications as I leveraged my existing positions to create gains from additional options positions.

This 3-hour, comprehensive course teaches you straight-forward bullish methods to enhance a buy-and-hold, long-term investing strategy.  In this course I will teach you the difference in the four basic building blocks of options trading and you will learn 10 different bullish, multi-leg options strategies that will make you a better investor.

Don't worry, we will also cover a few basics like how different options properties affect the value of an option's premium and breakeven price. We'll touch on the Greek factor of Theta and its time decay effect. Liquidity, volume, open interest, and the bid-ask spread are covered as well. We'll explain the difference between an initial credit and debit and their respective properties. And additional lessons will cover tax implications and compounding effects that come with selling stock, short-term versus long-term capital gains, and properties of long-term equity anticipation securities. The class also rounds things out with an understanding of short selling, inverse ETFs, quarterly earnings considerations, an overview of fundamental research, and how to leg into and out of a position.

If you've always been concerned with the risk associated with trading options, this class will ease you into things.

legal disclaimer: information presented herein is for entertainment purposes only and is not a recommendation or an offer or soliciation to buy or sell any securities. Should you need such advice, consult a licensed financial or tax advisor. We cannot be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss incurred by applying any of the information offered. Securities identified do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended to advisory clients. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of information in this course. The views and opinions expressed at the time of recording and any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and we disclaim any responsibility to update such views. These views should not be relied on as investment advice and because investment decisions are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent.

Who Should Attend!

  • Long-term investors who want another investing tool in their toolkit
  • Money-minded individuals who want to be able to protect their portfolios while keeping tax considerations and compounding effects intact



  • Finance Fundamentals
  • Investing
  • Options Trading
  • Derivatives Trading






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