Introduction to an Industrial Robot

Understanding the Teach Pendant, Controller, Manipulator and End of Arm Tool

Ratings 4.63 / 5.00
Introduction to an Industrial Robot

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will gain a high level introduction of what components make up an industrial robot system.
  • Ability to identify core components of an industrial robot system
  • Knowledge of key robotic manufacturers within today's industry
  • Familiarization with key terminology and industry term


Have you ever wondered how exactly that industrial robot in your factory works?  Perhaps you are a college student looking to compliment your in class material?  No matter the reason, this course will offer a high level overview of an industrial robotic system.  We will discuss the various components and how they all come together on the factory floor.  Through the use of video presentation, robotic simulators and engaging course content, you will walk away from this course better able to appreciate the mechanics, software and hardware of an industrial robot.

What are the requirements for this course?

  • None!  My intent is to target this course specifically towards an introductory level.

What can I expect from this course?

  • We will stay pretty "high level" and not get into the specifics on one particular brand of robotics.

  • You will walk away with the ability to understand what each component does and how they work together to complete a robotic system.

  • You will be familiar with industry terminology and "lingo"

What is the target audience for this course?

  • Machine operators looking to further understand the equipment they are working with and grow within their company.

  • Technicians working within an environment and looking to gain more insight on the machinery within their facility.

  • College level students looking to supplement in class material.

  • Anyone with an interest in the industrial robotics market.

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals who may work in an environment with industrial robotics and wish to learn more about the machinery in their facility.
  • Students who are attending a college program and wish to further refine and enforce their understanding of robotic concepts relative to today's industry.
  • Anyone wishing to further enhance their own knowledge!



  • Industrial Robotics






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