Photoshop and Lightroom are among the most popular photo editing software in the world. You can do a lot of thing such as Color grading, Camera calibration, Masking, Changing Hue, Saturation, Color, Contrast, Exposure, Gradient and much more. With Adobe Lightroom you can quickly and effectively edit your photos with and without using a preset. In this course you will be learning various tools and techniques in Adobe Lightroom such as-
White balance and basic properties
more controls
Radial and graduated filters
applying transformations
JET SKI- tone correction
SNOW SKI- color grading
using built in preset
Create masks with autobrush
Erase and Paint with autobrush
Tone curve- controlling contrast
Creating and updating a lightroom preset
Creating more presets
Understanding Camera Caliberation
Applying Camera Caliberation
Moreover, when you require some advanced operations on photo editing that cannot be done with Lightroom, you can use Adobe Photoshop. It provides you various tools and techniques that can be applied to edit photos, create a composition or graphics and much more. In this course, you will be learning the following concepts in Photoshop-
Create a new brush
spot healing
Patch tool
Magic Wand
Blending modes
Clone stamp
SELECTIVE COLOR EFFECT- Black and White with Red
Create 3D spherical Panorama
CHANNEL MIXER Change Season- Monsoon to Autumn
Simple Duotone with gradient map
When you are familiar with various tools and techniques in Photoshop and Lightroom, you can combine your image editing skills on these two software to create a variety of decent photos or graphics. This is a practical oriented course where you will learn various concepts with real life examples and you can easily learn by watching lessons and practicing everything taught in this course. If you are already familiar with any concept in this course, feel free to skip that particular lesson and directly move to the topic you are interested in.
Keep Learning!