What Is Your Passion In Life? Make A Film About It.

A Call To Action

Ratings 4.32 / 5.00
What Is Your Passion In Life? Make A Film About It.

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn how to select and approach non-profit organisations to help them make a better world.
  • Students will learn how to Focus their film, write a Brief, how to use that Brief to write a Proposal and how the Proposal is used to write a Shooting Script.
  • Well made focussed films will help your non-profit get more funding and through that help more people, animals or our world that we live in.
  • Students can use the handouts and exercises to start production on their own real life film.


What is you special passion in life? What is your special charity or non-profit organisation that you support and want to work for? Do they work with People, Animals or the Environment - or all three?  Whatever your interest and their area of operation - they need funds. And one of the best ways to secure funding is to tell stories in a way that people can understand and believe in what you are doing.

Well here is an opportunity to learn how to make effective films.

Making films for non-profit organisations requires staying in close touch with what your client needs all the time. The focus in this course is to ensure that a solid brief is taken before any production starts. Making sure that what the non-profit company wants in terms of a film is what you will give them. From the briefing stage the course moves through to writing a proposal for the non-profit company, getting their acceptance and then moving on to completing a script for the film.

This course is for students who are either part of a non-profit or charity or want to make films for their passions and favourite organisations. If you are part of an NPO you will develop in-house production skills for your charity. If you are outside an NPO you will learn how to find an organisation you want to make a film for, then take a brief from them on how they will use the film, then you write a proposal for your film and finally develop a script that will ensure your film has a compelling content.

To help you along with planning your first promotional film there is also an on-the-job practical project consisting of three exercises (with detailed handouts) to help you along with producing your first promotional film. Remember, you get to choose the organisation doing the kind of work that you are most interested in. So help your favourite charity by making a film for them.

Have fun and at the same time take away some practical skills that will help you and your charity make films that will not only be great to watch but will also help them with funding and support.

For more detailed production skills also take a look at the Documentary Filmmaking Masterclass, also on Udemy.

Who Should Attend!

  • Aspiring social justice filmmakers and people who work in the non-profit sector.
  • For people who want to help change the world.



  • Promotional Video
  • Video Production






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