Management: Become A Great Manager!

Quickly Learn Management Tips & Manager Best Practices. Implement Quickly! Perfect New Managers & Veteran Management!

Ratings 4.44 / 5.00
Management: Become A Great Manager!

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn practical tips and best practices you can use immediately.
  • Managing people to improve the teams overall performance.
  • Knowing when to be actively leading and when to be observing. (On Stage vs. On Balcony).
  • Many practical areas like performance management, finding root causes, managing your own performance and much more!
  • All areas from hiring to training to performance management and even termination.


This course is designed to quickly give you practical best practices, tips and ideas you can use immediately to become the best manager & leader you can be.

Taught by a top 1% Udemy instructor with over 400,000 students from over 200 countries and 25 years of management experience who has lead and developed global teams of managers.

***What students are saying***

"The speaker was amazing. He got my attention from start to finish." -Christian V

"This was a good course for me because I could really relate to the examples he was giving and I could identify incidences that I had experienced exactly how he described it." -Amy P

"Instructor is quite obviously excited about being a leader, and his enthusiasm is infectious." -Michael J

"I was feeling 'stuck' in some ways and purchased this course on impulse. I am so glad I did. The material is useful and inspiring. I am very glad I invested the time in this training because I am leaving with some very useful insights." Aditi P

"Excellent, this is how all these course should be. Quick and concise." Frecie M

"It's an eye opener." -Richard P

The course is for those who may be:

  • A New Manager looking to learn quickly.

  • An experienced Manager who wants to pick up a quick tip or two.

  • A leader in a formal or informal situation.

  • Someone who is on a track to become a manager or wants to be.

  • Anyone in management who wants practical best practices they use right away.

Some of the lessons include:

  • #1 Thing To Develop People...And Get More Time For Yourself​

  • Empowerment

  • Building Trust With Your Team

  • Key "Don't Do's" As A Manager

  • Being On Stage & On The Balcony

  • Should You Admit Your Mistakes​?

  • When To Step In And When Not To

  • Delegation: Quick Steps To Delegate More Effectively

  • Where The Magic Happens

  • Say This Often

  • What Really Get's Done

  • Importance Of Root Causes

  • Managing Up (5 Quick Tips)

  • What Is The Primary Role Of A Manager

  • Partnering With HR & Your Manager

  • Team Meetings: Holding Your First & Ongoing Meeting Tips

  • 1-1 Meeting Effectiveness

  • What If People Not Happy You Were Promoted

  • The Big Challenge

  • Involving Your Team

  • Encourage Knowledge Sharing & Discourage Rivalry

  • Hiring: Screening Applicants

  • Hiring: Conducting A Full Interview

  • Hiring: Interview Question Categories & Sample Interview Questions

  • Hiring: Making An Offer

  • Should You Hire A Friend Or Relative

  • Training Team Members

  • Managing A Remote Team

  • Giving Positive Feedback

  • Giving Negative Feedback

  • The Sandwich Technique Negative Feedback

  • Working With Challenging Employees (Team Members)

  • Motivating Others

  • Improving Poor Performance & Performance Management

  • Termination Team Members

  • Termination Meeting: What To Say & Other Tips To Be Effective & Compassionate

  • Performance Appraisals

  • Leadership Style Adaptation

  • Leverage Leadership Qualities

  • How To Be A Star Leader Or Manager

  • Top 4 Action Steps To Take Now

Very focused course that provides a lot of great practical information that you can use immediately!

The world needs great leaders and managers...the world needs you. Just click the button to enroll and I look forward to seeing you in your first lesson!

-Steve Ballinger

Who Should Attend!

  • A New Manager looking to learn quickly.
  • An Experienced Manager who wants to pick up a quick tip or two.
  • A leader in a formal or informal situation.
  • Someone who is on a track to become a manager or wants to be.
  • All people in management looking to improve their results.



  • Leadership
  • Management Skills
  • Manager Training
  • Management Coaching






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