A Career in Business Intelligence & Microstrategy.

Reporting, Data Modeling & Analysis, Visualization.

Ratings 3.75 / 5.00
A Career in Business Intelligence & Microstrategy.

What You Will Learn!

  • Rewards ($$$!) of a Career Business Intelligence & MicrosSrategy
  • Understand Business Intelligence, Datawarehouse and how Microstrategy helps achieve BI goals.
  • Reporting/analytics by using drag and drop and other features. Create tabular reports, visualizations (charts etc.). Slice, Dice, Pivot analysis. Helps reduce dependency on IT.
  • Understand Data Modeling/Mapping between DW and Microstrategy
  • Prepare for Interviews, Acquire Skills for a Better Salary Pay Package !


Why BI? Why MicroStrategy?

A career in Business Intelligence can be intellectually AND financially very rewarding.  Corporations need BI. MicroStrategy is the market leader in this space.Take a look at the chart  in the presentation and ask again !

"Business Intelligence (BI)  is the art and science of gathering and understanding your business data to get meaningful insights to drive smarter business decisions." - well that sounds too heavy,  so in simple words, BI is analyzing data to take the right decisions, quickly.

This Course will set you on the right path to a career in BI. This course teaches anyone with the basic understanding of data analysis, to create their own reports, charts, summaries and also teaches how to slice/dice information. Business analysts, managers and developers can quickly learn the ropes of creating useful reports in MicroStrategy.

The course even enables senior business leaders to independently create their own reports/dashboards and build their own datasets to answer their specific business questions for making quick and informed decisions.

MicroStrategy is the leading platform to achieve enterprise level BI through Reports (Charts,graphs etc.) , Dashboards (aka Visualizations), Subscriptions and many other rich features. It allows easily build reports, dashboards and other analytics.  With several BI tools available in the market (starting with Excel indeed) - Microstrategy stands out due to its "organic" growth without much acquisitions.

Note: Although this course focuses on Microstrategy, the fundamental architecture and model of a BI application covered in this course will help you learn any other BI tool such as Cognos, Business Objects etc. Qlikview  and other in-memory architecture based BI applications are slightly different, however the core principles of reporting and analysis remain same.

Similar courses by corporate trainers cost you 700-1000 dollars per day and take up  3-5 days to complete this course. That is about 2100-3500 dollars PER person ! I have personally arranged and attended such training and have also run successful training programs for organization -training 400-2000 analysts in each organizations. I bring you the same quality training with a lot of practical and working examples in this course.

And I bring you ALL that content and knowledge for just ..... 99 .99 USD That is a minimum savings of 2100$ for you.

For those who enroll, I am making the sample database available via  G drive, kindly send a request to mavericlearning at gmail with your email id, I will share the MS access document with you.

Both BI and MicroStrategy have vast scope and can not be covered in a single course. However, after this course, you will be able to understand and self-learn additional advanced topics in BI.

So Don't Wait, Enroll Now !

Who Should Attend!

  • Business Analysts, Managers, Software Engineers looking to learn how to create reports, metrics, charts etc. on their own for business analysis.
  • Business Leaders (Managers, Directors, VP) looking to independently create reports to answer specific business questions
  • BI Developers with other experience wanting to understand how Microstrategy works
  • Data Managemnt professionals curious to understand how data is consumed via BI.
  • Students and Beginners (Junior Analysts, Testers, etc.) looking for better financially rewarding career.



  • Business Intelligence






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