Specialization Courses

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Loading Your Own Data into BigQuery

This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. This lab teaches you how to i...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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Logistic Regression for Classification using Julia

This guided project is about book genre classification using logistic regression in Julia. It is ide...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para las empresas

Este curso del Centro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina y el Caribe con el...

University/Institute: Universidad de los Andes

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Los obstáculos y la conducción en las negociaciones

En este curso se analizará para su aplicación la ubicación y señalamiento de los obstáculos que se p...

University/Institute: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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L’IA pour tous

L’IA n’est pas l’apanage des ingénieurs. Si vous souhaitez améliorer les capacités de votre organisa...

University/Institute: DeepLearning.AI

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M2M & IoT Interface Design & Protocols for Embedded Systems

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5348, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Scien...

University/Institute: University of Colorado Boulder

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MATLAB을 사용한 프로그래밍 소개

이 과정에서는 이전 경험이 거의 또는 전혀 없는 사람들에게 컴퓨터 프로그래밍을 가르칩니다. 이 프로그램...

University/Institute: Vanderbilt University

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ML Algorithms

ML Algorithms is the fourth Course in the AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty specialization. T...

University/Institute: Whizlabs

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ML Pipelines on Google Cloud - Français

Dans ce cours, vous profiterez de l'expérience d'ingénieurs et de formateurs en ML qui développent d...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) Fundamentals 日本語版

このコースでは、Google Cloud 上で本番環境の ML システムをデプロイ、評価、モニタリング、運用するため...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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Machine Learning Algorithms

In this course you will: a) understand the naïve Bayesian algorithm. b) understand the Support Vecto...

University/Institute: Sungkyunkwan University

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Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach

Do you have data and wonder what it can tell you? Do you need a deeper understanding of the core way...

University/Institute: University of Washington

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Machine Learning With Big Data

Want to make sense of the volumes of data you have collected? Need to incorporate data-driven decisi...

University/Institute: University of California San Diego

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Machine Learning con Pyspark aplicado al campo sanitario

Este proyecto es un curso práctico y efectivo para aprender a generar modelos de Machine Learning en...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Machine Learning for Accounting with Python

This course, Machine Learning for Accounting with Python, introduces machine learning algorithms (mo...

University/Institute: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Machine Learning for All

Machine Learning, often called Artificial Intelligence or AI, is one of the most exciting areas of t...

University/Institute: University of London

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Machine Learning for Data Analysis

Are you interested in predicting future outcomes using your data? This course helps you do just that...

University/Institute: Wesleyan University

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Machine Learning for Investment Professionals

This course is uniquely tailored to the needs of investment professionals or those with investment i...

University/Institute: CFA Institute

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Machine Learning in the Enterprise - 한국어

이 과정에서는 다양한 ML 비즈니스 요구사항과 사용 사례를 다루는 ML팀의 우수사례를 중심으로 ML 워크플...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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Machine Learning para series temporales con ARIMA, SARIMA...

Proyecto aplicado y práctico para aprender a entrenar modelos de Machine Learning como: AR, MA, ARMA...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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