هذا الكورس لادارة البرامج وإعداد اختبار البرامج حسب آخر إصدار عام 2018
وسنقوم بشرح جميع مجالات المعرفة لإعداد لخوض اختبار شهادة محترف في ادارة البرامج وذلك بعد شرح التالي
١- الفكرة الرئيسيّة
٢- مجال الاستراتيجية وموائمتها للبرنامج
٣- مجال ادارة الفوائد
٤- مجال ادارة المعنيين
٥- مجال ادارة الحوكمة
٦- مجال ادارة دورة حياة البرنامج
ادارة البرامج تساعد المؤسسة او الوزارة في موائمة الاستراتيجية وتحقيق أهداف المؤسسة بعد التأكد من وجود قدرات جديدة او مكاسب جديدة او ثقافات جديدة
This course will present an overview as to the importance of programs and how they differ from the management of multiple projects. This overview also focuses on the relationship of program management to project management and portfolio management. This course also will focuses on preparing people to take and PASS this difficult exam. It contains study tips, a discussion of the various key concepts in each of the domains as well as in the Examination Content Outline, and practice test questions.
It is followed by the key activities to be performed in the five program management domains – Strategic Program Management, Program Life cycle, Benefit management, Stakeholder Management, Governance Management. Through a combination of mini lectures and group exercises, participants will learn the importance of each of these five domains and what is necessary for success in each one. Additionally, the program management life cycle and the benefits management will cycle will be stressed during this session.
Key Concepts In Program Management
Module1 – Strategic Program Management
Module 2 - Program Life Cycle
Module 3 - Benefits Management
Module 4 – Stakeholder Management
Module 5– Governance