Once we have learned any programming language, the next task is to become familiar with the most common activities.
Relational Databases
Required to get our jobs done, we're often required to manage large amounts of data. Important to know as well as practice, saving records into data to files is often an important part of any significant data processing activity.
S.Q.L Defined
In this 3000 level training opportunity, we will begin by discovering how to simply and quickly create, read, update, and delete records ("rows") in to files on our workstation using the Structured Query Language - or S.Q.L.
Types of Data
No matter if we are managing a list of friends, collecting testing results, or managing complex business data, software all developers need to know how to use Python's built-in SQL Database support.
Workstations & Clouds
In addition to discovering how to create and manage existing databases, this Python 3000 topic includes everything a software developer will need to know to get started using the SQL on their workstations. No matter the type of data you can imagine, practicing how to create, read, update, and delete (C.R.U.D) your own database is a great way to impress friends and future employers. Better still, SQLite database we create on our own computers can be used on others - even taken to the cloud!
Fast Start
By reviewing the most-used features slowly, our quick-start will also prepare a Python Programmer to use the most portable set of SQL Statements; concepts & statements that can be used across virtually all SQL Technologies.
Always Included!
Because Python's database default technology set includes SQLite 3, while learning how to use SQL students will also discover how to install & use the SQLite Console Application. In addition to demonstrating how to create database tables & rows, the student will also use the console application to generate database scripts using Python 3.
NOTE: By understanding the methods behind the magic, students familiar with the Soft9000 / PyDAO project on GitHub, will also enjoy this 3000 Level educational opportunity.