Python: Object Oriented Programming (Hindi / Urdu)

Learn Python along with all core concepts of OOP in detail with code.

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Python: Object Oriented Programming (Hindi / Urdu)

What You Will Learn!

  • Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
  • Implementation of OOP Concepts through Python code
  • Practical usage of all pillars of OOP
  • Working with files and directories
  • Managing and handling exceptions
  • Method Overloading & Overriding
  • Inheritance & it's implementation in python
  • Abstraction and it's use cases
  • Operator overloading, performing mathematical operations over user defined class-objects
  • Working with OS Module - Files and Directories


This course is primarily designed for beginners and intermediate level learners who wish to learn python programming and object oriented concepts along with hands on experience by implementing OOP concepts programmatically using python code.  - No previous experience is required, neither in programming generally nor in python. We start with very basics and move towards intermediate and advanced concepts by covering all details. To keep it easy to learn this course is designed in Hindi / Urdu language.

Topics that we have covered in this course are:

  • Installing Python

  • Working with variables and Data Types

  • Conditionals

  • Understanding Loops

  • Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts

  • Understanding Encapsulation

  • Working with Classes & Objects

  • Function and Methods

  • Getter & Setters

  • Declaring private variables and accessing through methods

  • Method overloading

  • Working with Properties

  • Constructors & Destructors

  • Inheritance in very detail

  • Working with Parent class constructors

  • Polymorphism  though Method overriding

  • Implementing Abstraction

  • Working with Exception handling and its four code-blocks

  • Working with Files and Directories/Folders

All above mentioned topics are discussed in detail to give you clear understanding about each concept. By the end of this course you will have enough understanding of all four pillars of object oriented programming concepts including: Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance, and Abstraction. You will be proficient enough to deal with run time errors and handle exceptions. You will be able to differentiate between types of errors that programmers usually face during their coding journey. You will also have enough idea of working with Operating System files and folders, we will learn to create our own folders and files through python code, we'll rename them and then will finally learn to delete them through Python code.

So, I wish you good luck in your Python Journey! - Have a nice coding Day.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students, Beginner python developers, curious towards data science, etc.
  • Those who want to learn a language that can be used in almost all areas of software development
  • Those who want to build a foundational knowledge in Programming.
  • Those who are preparing for an interview for Python's job.



  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Python






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