Releasing Stress in the body: Breath work and Meditation

This course is designed to simple release stress built up from the day.

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Releasing Stress in the body: Breath work and Meditation

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn new ways to get in touch with the inner self
  • Calm the nervous system
  • Learn practical techniques to work with anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.
  • Remove stress from the body
  • Breathing techniques


Hi! My name is Danielle, certified Anxiety Strategist and Mental & Emotional Coach
Thanks for being here!

This course offers hands-on tools to regulate stress throughout the day. When moments of stress arise in the body, using breathwork and meditation can help ease the mind of wasted mental energy.

Breathwork allows you to know yourself because you're coming back to what I like to call, 'The seat of self'. essentially, you're listening to your body's needs.

Meditation allows you to FEEL who you are to the core. Allowing simple techniques such as focusing on the light of who you are, allows the most authentic version of 'you' to emerge.

Pairing both of these modalities together, you get the 'UNSTOPPABLE YOU'! You'll start recognizing what is triggering your stress and have the methods to work through whatever emotion is coming to the surface.

This course will better help you know the light and love of who you are. By remembering and coming back to YOU, you're essentially coming back to a version of yourself without stress or discomfort. We're flipping the problem of stress and anxiety and now focusing on the solution.

In this course, we are focusing on the source of what generates your power.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for people looking for tools to calm the body from stress/ fight or flight response



  • Personal Development
  • Stress Management
  • Anxiety Management






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