The School for Emotional Transformation - 2nd Module

Chakra Psychology – Advanced Learning

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The School for Emotional Transformation - 2nd Module

What You Will Learn!

  • The psychological processes and the balancing processes for each of the chakras
  • How to identify the source-chakras for specific emotional conditions
  • How to navigate the subtleties of our own and others chakra system
  • The ability to identify complex chakra maps and their resolution


* This course includes the second weekend the 8 weekends of the School.

2nd Module: Chakra Psychology – Advanced Learning

In the advanced learning of Chakra Psychology, we will delve more deeply into the psychological processes and the balancing processes for each of the chakras, and the ways we can identify the source-chakras for specific emotional conditions. We will also learn how to navigate the subtleties of our own chakra system and later, of other people’s chakra systems. This is what we call becoming a “Chakra Whisperer”: gaining the ability to identify the source of an emotion within a specific chakra, and from there progress to the ability to identify complex chakra maps and their resolution. We will also study the complete Chakra Expansion technique, which enables us and those we guide to directly contact and analyze the chakras and to deeply transform their state.

Emotional maturity is a rare thing. Even if we understand a lot intellectually, our emotions and patterns and themes tend to remain stubbornly fixed.

How can you finally let these confused emotions mature? How can you evolve them from unchanging patterns to light and spiritual strength? And how can we move from stuck emotions to a flow of creative action in life?

If we can speak the language of emotions, we are able to whisper to them until they reveal their innermost spiritual energy

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who want to reach true emotional maturity



  • Chakra
  • Emotional Intelligence






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