Are you preparing to take your HR certification exam but don't have time to get in countless hours of studying? We've rolled out our SHRM-SCP & SHRM-CP Exam Essentials Course on Udemy that focuses on the foundations of studying for the HR Certification exam including:
Access to our important HR terms and 2+ hours of on-demand review available in audio, video, and ebook formats RIGHT NOW and on YOUR SCHEDULE
Simple study tips to help you ACE your SHRM-SCP & SHRM-CP Exam
Resources on how auditory and other learning strategies reinforces your memory increasing your knowledge retention by as much as 50%
Resources on how to improve your study schedule with a PROVEN pass rate of 95% for SHRM Certification Exams
The foolproof strategy to prepare for and ACE your HR Certification Exams
Attend our LIVE Study Sessions offered up to 4 hours a month with review customized to your specific needs.
I care about HR certification because I'm certified myself and over the course of my career my HR certification has been critical to getting promoted and landing new job opportunities. Employers need certification credentials like the SPHR, PHR, SHRM-SCP, and SHRM-CP to give them peace of mind that you are knowledgeable and qualified to work in the highly specific area of human resources and workplace planning strategy. Let me help you level up your HR career.