The Simple Stress Solution: Live Life Free of Stress!

Dr. Calista & Vern Ward share how to eliminate negative stress in your life! Simple, proven principles that work!

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The Simple Stress Solution: Live Life Free of Stress!

What You Will Learn!

  • Stress Management
  • Anxiety Management
  • Reducing You Negative Stress
  • Understanding the Stress Spiral
  • Identifying Your Personal Stress Profile


Are you stressed out? Is stress dragging you down, and interfering with your life and relationships? Are you feeling stuck, and desperate for a way to get out? You are not alone - and yes, there is a way out! 

Dr. Calista and Vern Ward have spend the past twenty years assisting clients in navigating their way through stressful times, and enabling them to move forward in their lives, despite overwhelming circumstances or relationship difficulties. In this course brought to you by The Stress Center, you will learn the root of your stress and how to eliminate its negative effects. Rather than focusing on just relieving symptoms of stress, we invite you to follow a simple, but proven pathway guaranteed to assist you in: 

1. Identifying Your Stress

2. Understanding Your Stress

3. Reducing Your Stress

Only have 5-10 minutes a day? No problem! This course is designed to be digested in small sections packed with insight. The course features 22 different lectures. Each video lecture includes dynamic, in person presentation from Vern Ward, and engaging animated illustrations to bring the key points home. Also included are lesson handouts which cover the material from each lecture and go "in-depth" for further learning opportunity. There are also included fillable PDF worksheets, so that you can apply the concepts learned to your own life and situations. And if that wasn't enough, there are also short quizzes after each lecture so that you know you are grasping the main concepts.

This course includes: 

1. 1.5 hours of video of dynamic instruction from Vern Ward with animated illustrations!

2. Downloadable handouts with deeper insights that build off course videos!

3. Fillable PDF Worksheets to apply concepts to your own life! 

4. Lesson quizzes to help with learning retention!

5. BONUS: Free access to the Stress Center Community private Facebook group!

Are you ready to move forward in your life and put stress behind you? 

Sign up for the SIMPLE STRESS SOLUTION course today! 

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone overwhelmed by stress
  • Anyone feeling trapped by anxiety
  • Anyone wanting positive change in their life
  • Anyone who feels "Stressed out" who wants a way out



  • Stress Management
  • Psychology
  • Mental Health
  • Anxiety Management






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