Personal Development

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Ottenere successo in 30 giorni

Il corso ti insegna ai semplici passaggi quotidiani per migliorare la tua vita e raggiungere i tuoi...

Ratings: 4.71/5.00     Lectures: 34  Subscribers: 104

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MOTIVAÇÃO PESSOAL - Busque a sua melhor versão

Não importa a sua experiência ou condição, todos precisamos constantemente de motivação. Você precis...

Ratings: 4.68/5.00     Lectures: 28  Subscribers: 104

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Career Planning 101 For Young Adults

This program is excellent for high school students or undergrads who want to start setting their car...

Ratings: 4.64/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 104

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Supercharge Your Self-Love

You are enough. You are perfect as you are.However, sometimes your thoughts lead you to believe othe...

Ratings: 4.58/5.00     Lectures: 11  Subscribers: 104

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Como Ler, Estudar e Aprender com MAPAS MENTAIS + Exercícios

Descubra o Poder dos Mapas Mentais e Transforme sua Forma de Aprender!Navegar por uma enxurrada de i...

Ratings: 4.54/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 104

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Ceremonial, Protocolo, Etiqueta, Usos y Costumbres

- Adquisición de los conocimientos necesarios para la aplicación empresarial y social del Ceremonial...

Ratings: 4.51/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 104

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Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Welcome to the most powerful guided hypnosis for weight loss – online. I created this powerful tool...

Ratings: 4.48/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 104

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Communication Skills For Success - In Business & In Life

Become A Great Communicator!Transform Your Communication ... Transform Your LIFE! It's hard to get t...

Ratings: 4.43/5.00     Lectures: 17  Subscribers: 104

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The Empowered Empath Course

WELCOME TO THE THE EMPOWERED EMPATH COURSEHave you ever questioned why you are so sensitive to certa...

Ratings: 4.36/5.00     Lectures: 26  Subscribers: 104

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How to Create an Organization System for your teen

Does your teen ever complete homework and assignments, and then place them in their backpack never t...

Ratings: 4.35/5.00     Lectures: 14  Subscribers: 104

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Ratings: 4.35/5.00     Lectures: 65  Subscribers: 104

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Build Better RELATIONSHIPS, Secrets To Love & Relationships

I welcome you to this exciting and amazing course Build Better RELATIONSHIPS, Secrets To Love &...

Ratings: 4.32/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 104

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Gestão Estratégica de Pessoas na Era Digital: RH 4.0

Assegure agora a conquista do emprego dos seus sonhos, a merecida promoção profissional ou  tor...

Ratings: 4.32/5.00     Lectures: 30  Subscribers: 104

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Mental Maths - Shortcuts in Math calculations

Learn to do calculations mentally and faster than using a calculator. This course will help you step...

Ratings: 4.28/5.00     Lectures: 21  Subscribers: 104

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Manche e Pedais com Arduino para Simuladores de Voo

Este curso irá ensiná-lo a criar seu próprio manche de voo em casa (com manetes de potência, passo d...

Ratings: 4.24/5.00     Lectures: 29  Subscribers: 104

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