Personal Development

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This course is not about How to make manicure, its about how to make it FASTER.Just in 1 hour. You'...

Ratings: 4.29/5.00     Lectures: 6  Subscribers: 60

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Shamballa Multidimensional healing

Reiki is universal energy, its has healing power. Its good and simple to use.  If you know more...

Ratings: 4.09/5.00     Lectures: 5  Subscribers: 60

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Ratings: 4.09/5.00     Lectures: 39  Subscribers: 60

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Learn & Memorize Anything With Anki: The Ultimate Guide

In this class you will learn anything about Anki - from a complete beginner to a pro!Are you struggl...

Ratings: 3.87/5.00     Lectures: 41  Subscribers: 60

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Kişisel Mutluluk Atölyesi

Günümüzde insanlar mutluluk arıyor, bazıları buluyor bazıları ise peşinde koşmasına rağmen bulamıyor...

Ratings: 3.75/5.00     Lectures: 12  Subscribers: 60

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Mystical Qabalah 3 : Meditations On Pathways To The Crown

HOT & NEW! ***BRAND NEW COURSE - OCTOBER 2023***Dear mystical pilgrims of the inner qu...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 29  Subscribers: 59

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Desbloqueie-se para o amor

Porque não consigo me desenvolver em um bom relacionamento amoroso?Não são perguntas que você ja se...

Ratings: 4.92/5.00     Lectures: 10  Subscribers: 59

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번아웃 특급 솔루션, 어바웃 번아웃

현 시대를 살아가는데 꼭 필요한 것이 스트레스 관리입니다.내가 가지고 있는 역량을 제대로 발휘하기 위해...

Ratings: 4.91/5.00     Lectures: 16  Subscribers: 59

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Corso di Channeling e Medianità. Approfondimento.

Benvenuto nel corso di approfondimento di Channeling e Medianità.In questo corso di approfondimento...

Ratings: 4.90/5.00     Lectures: 20  Subscribers: 59

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Inclusão é atitude

Empresas mais diversas lidam melhor com as mudanças e inovam com mais rapidez. Isso já foi comprovad...

Ratings: 4.84/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 59

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Strategies for Success - Overcome Test Anxiety

Most college students (and business people) worry ALL DAY LONG about how much they have to do. They...

Ratings: 4.82/5.00     Lectures: 28  Subscribers: 59

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Spirituality, Religion, and Science

Have you ever thought that you'd have to take a side? To believe or not to believe?  Have you ever...

Ratings: 4.82/5.00     Lectures: 17  Subscribers: 59

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Corso di Cucina Street Food Siciliana e cucina Italiana

Corso di Cucina Street Food Siciliano e Cucina Italiana, imparerete a cucinare in modo del tutto sem...

Ratings: 4.79/5.00     Lectures: 23  Subscribers: 59

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Как пройти собеседование и получить работу в E-commerce

Почему одни рассылают резюме в сотни компаний, выполняют десятки тестовых и все время получают отказ...

Ratings: 4.78/5.00     Lectures: 21  Subscribers: 59

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Imposter Syndrome Breakthrough & Confidence Booster

So what is Imposter Syndrome exactly? Well, first of all, don’t let the term scare you. It’s not a m...

Ratings: 4.78/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 59

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