OK, de preview is een beetje cringe maar de examentraining is inhoudelijk echt geslaagd. Net op tijd...
Ratings: 3.59/5.00 Lectures: 28 Subscribers: 62
En un mundo donde todos los países dependen mas que nunca de estrategias para enfrentar los retos qu...
Ratings: 4.78/5.00 Lectures: 18 Subscribers: 61
Neste curso, abordamos os conceitos mais importantes da Estatística que são tipicamente dados nos pr...
Ratings: 4.35/5.00 Lectures: 14 Subscribers: 61
Did you ever wonder how you can explore the future? Trend research is a powerful method to detect ch...
Ratings: 3.95/5.00 Lectures: 36 Subscribers: 61
Updated June 7th, 2023Are you concerned about the state of our planet? Do you feel the urgency to ta...
Ratings: 3.85/5.00 Lectures: 26 Subscribers: 61
This course will give you comprehensive understanding of modern geopolitics, the most important geop...
Ratings: 4.89/5.00 Lectures: 30 Subscribers: 60
Perchè, nonostante la relazione porti solo a sofferenza, a volte non si riesce a chiudere i rapporti...
Ratings: 4.41/5.00 Lectures: 45 Subscribers: 60
Ace Tort Law: How to Answer Questions Effectively! Whether you are a new student starting the Law o...
Ratings: 4.75/5.00 Lectures: 11 Subscribers: 59
In this course, you will learn:Types of Data in EconomicsDownloading data from World Development Ind...
Ratings: 4.26/5.00 Lectures: 12 Subscribers: 59
Come funziona la società? In che modo i mass media manipolano la massa? Che cos'è la cultura? Quali...
Ratings: 3.98/5.00 Lectures: 118 Subscribers: 59
Dans cette formation, Le Petit Justicier va vous enseigner le fonctionnement et l'organisation du sy...
Ratings: 4.48/5.00 Lectures: 16 Subscribers: 57
Mediante este curso los participantes obtendrán información detallada, ejemplos prácticos e instrume...
Ratings: 4.36/5.00 Lectures: 70 Subscribers: 57
Che cos'è la motivazione? Come è possibile aumentarla? Ne esistono più tipi? Se si, quali?Ques...
Ratings: 4.05/5.00 Lectures: 19 Subscribers: 57
Aprenda uma das teorias jurídicas mais influentes nos tribunais superiores e de maior capilaridade n...
Ratings: 4.95/5.00 Lectures: 5 Subscribers: 56
Curso Introdução à Fisioterapia Baseada em Evidências Facilitadora: Dra. Mirella Véras...
Ratings: 3.96/5.00 Lectures: 5 Subscribers: 56