In 2017, I was given a team of 8 athletes of 15 years old. According to their last competition results, they were second to last in the league( 33rd on 34 teams).
Within less than a year, I lead them to the first place.
I took the time to reflect on the ingredients that made this magic happen.
That is what I'm teaching in this course.
This is the perfect self-development tool for team leaders. At the end, you'll feel empowered to create new habits in your coaching.
This is perfect for you if you are willing to take your coaching to the next level. Willingness to improve and being teachable is all you need to be the best coach you can be. You have all the ressources you need inside of you, this course will help you uncover them.
You'll reflect on:
Your teaching philosophy : Why you coach, what drives you.
Your communication skills : How to communicate more effectively with your athletes.
The fundamental needs and pillars of motivation.
How to create a pipeline with your athletes.
How to set effective goals.
The success mindset.
How to save your energy.
Coaching just the physical components of your sport can NOT make up for a poor mindset.