ROS2 Autonomous Driving and SLAM using NAV2 with TurtleBot3

Maze Solving and Autonomous Waiter with GUI using Robot Operating System 2 and Navigation Stack based on 2D SLAM

Ratings 3.92 / 5.00
ROS2 Autonomous Driving and SLAM using NAV2 with TurtleBot3

What You Will Learn!

  • 🦾 NAV2 Stack launching for TurtleBot3
  • 🤖Perform SLAM using Cartographer Node in Custom Created Environment
  • ⛩️ Path Planning with Cost Maps and Localization
  • 🗺️ Understanding TurtleBot3 package in detailed examples


Course Updated to ROS2 HUMBLE :

Rating is for OLD version of this course ( for New Comers ) , New update to projects and way of explanation is what you are going to love :)

It also contains ROS1 Noetic Navigation stack implementation after section 4.

Course Workflow:

Main robot we will be using is Turtle Bot 3 by Robotis . Package from official GitHub repository is going to obtained and then we will start to analyze how robot is launched into simulations like Rviz and Gazebo . After Going through multiple launch files we will create a custom launch file to bring the robot in to simulations . SLAM Toolbox will be executed for our custom created world containing MAZE . Then we will create a Autonomous Waiter in which we are going to utilize NAV2 stack as a main process with  GUI interface.

Outcomes After this Course :

You can create

  • Custom Workspace

  • Custom Python Packages

  • Launch files Reduction

  • RVIZ and Gazebo Simulation Fundamentals

  • Simulation Video Recording with Node Communication

  • Performing SLAM using Cartographer and SLAM Toolbox

  • NAV2 stack Integration

    • Path Planners

    • Cost Maps

Projects :

  • Turtlebot3 World Navigation using NAV2

  • Maze Solving using Commander API and NAV2

  • Autonomous Waiter with GUI

Process of Explanation

  1. Theory for Concepts building

  2. Writing Code for the nodes and concepts discussed

  3. Analyzing the output and noting the resources utilized

Software Requirements

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • ROS2 Humble LTS

  • Motivated mind for a huge programming Project


    Before buying take a look into this course GitHub repository  or message

    ( if you do not want to buy get the code at least and learn from it :) )

Who Should Attend!

  • 📚 Want to implement SLAM and Autonomous Driving into custom Robots in Gazebo
  • ➕ Understand basic Working and integration of Navigation Stack
  • 📖 Want to know about Gazebo Plugins for a TurtleBot3 Package Structure



  • Robotics
  • Pathfinding (computer)






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