100+ Fundraising Ideas for Your Non-Profit

Raise a lot or raise a little - start with an idea. This course will stimulate your creativity and your imagination.

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100+ Fundraising Ideas for Your Non-Profit

What You Will Learn!

  • Imagine fundraising possibilities for your organization
  • Create new fundraisers using these ideas to spark your imagination
  • Combine the 100 plus ideas presented in this course to develop something new and exciting
  • Get some tips and suggestions which may make a difference in your fundraising planning


This course is about stimulating your creativity and imagination in service of the non-profit with which you are associated.

Board members are charged with fundraising. Often, they get stuck. The old ways of fundraising aren't working any longer. They don't know what else to do.

First things first are contained in the first part. Your organization's foundation must be well-structured and sound before thinking fundraising.

The second part gives you loads of ideas - some old - some new. Whatever idea you have make sure it fits your group. You can combine some of these ideas to make your fundraiser even more spectacular.

The third part contains some ideas which may stretch your ideas about fundraising or you may say - "It's so obvious. Why didn't we think of it?"

There are a million and one fundraising ideas out there - this course is simply a stimulus for your group to put your brainstorming caps on and decide upon something. You can watch it over and over and over again - use it annually - and share your successes. I can add them to the course and help other groups.

Who Should Attend!

  • Members of non-profit boards of directors charged with fundraising
  • Non-profit staff who participate in fundraising brainstorming sessions



  • Fundraising






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